Evangelist Franklin Graham Moves Millions To Bank Sponsoring Miami Pride In Failed Boycott
If you’re going to do something, do it right. Words to live by, no?
Well moving from one tired cliche to the next, Evangelist Franklin Graham might have done well to consider this advice before his very public, very misguided crusade against businesses that support LGBT equality.
Last week he railed against companies like Tinnany’s and Wells Fargo for advertising gay wedding rings and, well, storing gay people’s money. What would you have us do, Billy? Keep our cash rolled up and tucked away in our BDSM dungeons/devil worshiping altars?
He promised to take decisive action, urging his fellow “Christians” on Facebook, “Let’s just stop doing business with those who promote sin and stand against Almighty God’s laws and His standards.”
Graham moved all of the Billy Graham Evangelical Association’s (BGEA) business dealings away from those evil homo-sinners at Wells Fargo and into the vaults of North Carolina-based BB&T.
The same BB&T that’s sponsoring this years Miami Beach Gay Pride Parade. The same bank that was awarded a ‘high’ rating in the Human Rights Campaign’s 2015 Corporate Equality Index.
Graham later backpedaled, saying it was never about a business being gay-friendly, but rather “corporate advertising to promote lifestyles that are counter to what God’s Word teaches.”
So using profits to sponsor pride parades is OK, but advertising to reach new customers isn’t?
It isn’t surprising that Graham wouldn’t quite grasp the idea of being inclusive to keep up with the times and grow a business — GBEA’s $107.7 million 2014 income proves there’s dependable money in exploiting fear.
Dan Tracer
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