Chris Pratt Recalls His Bigger Days: “I Was Impotent, Fatigued, Emotionally Depressed”

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Chris Pratt Recalls His Bigger Days: “I Was Impotent, Fatigued, Emotionally Depressed”

1433521242_chris-pratt-mens-health-uk-cover-467Chris Pratt had one of the most publicized body transformations when he went from lovable everyman to every man loves him.

The former Parks and Rec actor and current action heart throb revealed in an interview with the Daily Mail what it was like to pack on the pounds for comedy and shave them off for action.

On gaining weight for Parks and Rec:

“I said to the creators that I wanted to get fatter for the role. They loved it. I announced it to the whole cast, and then it became a bit of a game: how fat can I get and how fast can I get that fat. I thought, ‘Oh my God, I’m getting fat.’ And then almost immediately I did something else and I thought, ‘Holy crap, I’ve never seen myself funnier.’ And I put the two together.”

And how’d he do it?

“[My wife Anna Faris and I] were drinking a lot of wine and having fun. I was her little Hansel out in the woods and she was fattening me up to put me in the fire. It was like Momma Bear and Papa Bear.”

But the comedy bonus came at a cost:

I was impotent, fatigued, emotionally depressed. I had real health issues that were affecting me in a major way. It’s bad for your heart, your skin, your system, your spirit.

And we all know what happened next:


Dan Tracer

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