New Web Series ‘Paper Boys’ Examines Queer Turbulent 20s With A Bit Of Magic
In an entertainment culture where lasering in on and attempting to hold millennials’ 16-bit attention spans is a top commodity, substance is the all-too-often loss. We have professional Instagrammers and YouTubers (even, ahem, bloggers) who deal in fast delivery and instant gratification, and hey, who doesn’t love a quick laugh at Adam Levine’s expense?
But when it comes to really capturing the 20-something queer experience, there’s not a lot out there. Looking tried and succeeded in many ways, but not enough to stick around.
A new web series called Paper Boys offers a fresh take on navigating the personal and professional jungles of newfound adulthood.
It’s set in San Francisco and does impressive cinematic justice on a small budget, but more importantly it feels relatable for combining gay and straight characters into something resembling real life — even if there is a subtle supernatural element.
As for capturing that elusive attention span, opening with cute guy publicly stripping to his underwear was a good call.
Watch episodes one and two below, and if you like what you see, check out their Kickstarter:
Dan Tracer
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