The Best Responses To Gov. Bobby Jindal’s Antigay Executive Order (So Far)

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The Best Responses To Gov. Bobby Jindal’s Antigay Executive Order (So Far)

Screen shot 2015-05-21 at 12.02.13 PMGov. Bobby Jindal has once again done the impossible. The deeply unpopular Louisiana governor has somehow managed to become even more unpopular by issuing an Executive Order this week legalizing discrimination against LGBT people.

It may be partly coincidence (he’s pretty much bad at every aspect of his job), but his negative job rating among voters went from the toilet into the sewer, reaching an all-time low of 64.7 percent.

Here’s what happened:

Earlier this week, lawmakers in the Bayou State voted against a religious freedom bill that would allow business owners to discriminate against gay people. Evidently, they saw what happened in to legislators in Indiana earlier this year and wanted to save themselves the embarrassment of national ridicule. The bill was killed in a 10-2 vote in the House Civil Law and Procedure Committee.

Related: Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal Calls Antigay Religious Freedom Laws “Common Sense”

That should have been the end of things. But Gov. Jindal, who just launched an exploratory committee for a possible 2016 run for president, had different ideas.

Two hours after his own party killed the bill, Jindal’s office declared the good gov would be issuing an Executive Order “that will accomplish the intent of HB 707 to prevent the state from discriminating against persons or entities with deeply held religious beliefs that marriage is between one man and one woman.”

Related: Gov. Bobby Jindal: GOP Can Win With Anti-Gay Agenda

Louisianians, the majority of whom were against the bill to begin with, have taken to their yards to protest. Signs like this one have begun popping up on front lawns all across the state:


They’re also taking to the Internet to voice their disapproval. Dirty Coast magazine has begun marketing these t-shirts of the governor:

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But it was Senator Karen Peterson’s scathing criticism of Gov. Jinal to her fellow colleagues that takes the top prize. Seriously, if you need a lesson in ripping a person a new asshole, this is it.

Good luck with that presidential run, Bobby. You’re definitely going to need it.

Graham Gremore

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