Louis Virtel Verbally Vogues His Way Through 'Jeopardy!' – WATCH

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Louis Virtel Verbally Vogues His Way Through 'Jeopardy!' – WATCH

Louisyasss (1)

Every so often a Jeopardy! contestant comes along who embodies all that is well and good with deep trivia knowledge and pop culture awareness. There was IBM’s Watson who proved that there was basically no use in trying to compete with a super computer. Then there was Kat Deabill who introduced your Jeopardy! loving grandparents what shade was all about. Thankfully, the trend of badass Jeopardy! contestants lives on with one Louis Virtel, a popular web writer and YouTube personality known for his series Verbal Vogueing.

You’re doing yourself a huge disservice if you aren’t checking out his work, but for those unfamiliar with him, his recent appearance on Jeopardy is the perfect introduction.

Watch Louis Virtel slay the Jeopardy! game (and the American public) AFTER THE JUMP


Charles Pulliam-Moore


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