Irish Metal Band Sickened By Use Of Their Music In ‘Vile’ ‘Kill The Faggot’ Game: VIDEO

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Irish Metal Band Sickened By Use Of Their Music In ‘Vile’ ‘Kill The Faggot’ Game: VIDEO

Kill the faggot

The lead singer with Irish folk metal band Cruachan has spoken about his horror on learning that his music was used in Skaldic Games’ “Kill The Faggots” (KTF), reports The Journal.

Keith Fay explained that he and his girlfriend Rachel Lally contributed their voices to Skaldic’s The Shelter: A Survival Story. They have since asked for their work to be removed after discovering that KTF was due to be included within the game.

Legal proceedings will b issued towards @SkaldicGames if they try release anything using @CruachanClan @AphroditeSent

— Cruachan (@CruachanClan) May 6, 2015

1016949_697236500341190_7163047000310582610_nFay said he agreed to feature both himself and Cruachan in the game because it “looked really interesting and it sounded awesome to have your band’s music in the video game”.

However, on Monday Fay began getting messages on the band’s Facebook page asking about their connection to KTF.

“My younger brother, who is also my best friend, is gay”, said Fay. “My girlfriend Rachel has been campaigning for a Yes vote in the same-sex marriage referendum. It’s just so vile, I can’t put it into words. I told them we’re out – they no longer have permission to use my voice, likeness, or [Cruachan] t-shirt…All that has to stop.”

It’s just been brought to my attention that a game featuring my voice as well as my girlfriend Rachel Lally (also music…

Posted by Cruachan on Monday, 4 May 2015

Despite the game featuring such lines as “you want to chop my weiner?”, “I just dropped the soap”, “transgender kill”, “AIDS carrier eliminated” and “straight pride”, Skaldic has claimed that it is not homophobic:

“The reason behind this particular game is because of how tired I am of people being overly sensitive and how easily offended people are by every little thing, especially with LGBT issues…

“I didn’t make this game to attack LGBT people personally, and no I don’t hate gays and think they should be treated farily [sic], but I made this game just to piss off those people that are way too overly sensitive, which includes straight people…

“Of course we don’t endorse killing or murder of any kind. This game was not meant to be taken seriously.”

The company has refused to issue an apology.

Watch a NSFW video test of the game, AFTER THE JUMP

Jim Redmond

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