Tony Perkins Thinks Bryan Fischer Could Make a Better Effort At Hating Gays: LISTEN
A follower of hate group mouthpiece Bryan Fischer (above) has serious concerns that his wingnut leader is just not quite homophobic enough.
Satan-obsessed Fischer, of anti-gay activist group the American Family Association, had advised that if his fellow homophobes must attend a same-sex wedding they should make the lucky couple aware that they do not approve beforehand.
However, one listener was so incensed with Fischer’s clearly moderate opinion that he telephoned yet another wingnut – Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins – to complain, reports Right Wing Watch.
The caller told Perkins that he was in shock because a true Christian would only attend a same-sex wedding in order to tell the participants that they are going to hell.
“The only reason that any Christian would ever attend a homosexual wedding is when the preacher says, ‘Is there any objection to the wedding,’ you stand up and say, ‘Yes, according to the Bible, sodomy, you will burn in hell for this.’ That is the only reason why any Christian would ever attend a sodomite wedding.”
Although doubtful that a gay couple would “invite people to raise any objections,: Perkins was impressed with the caller’s insightful comments, adding that silence in the church about divorce has led “to this wholesale redefinition of marriage as a result.”
Jim Redmond
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