Massive Marriage Equality Mural Appears Overnight on Building in Downtown Dublin: PHOTO

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Massive Marriage Equality Mural Appears Overnight on Building in Downtown Dublin: PHOTO


An enormous four-story mural of two men embracing by Irish illustrator and street artist Joe Caslin went up overnight on South Great Georges Street in downtown Dublin, meant to be a “poignant representation of same-sex love in the city” ahead of the Irish marriage referendum on May 22.

(top image via Panti Bliss)

Caslin says he is selling prints all weekend on South Great Georges Street and will be opening up an online shop as well.


# Y E S E Q U A L I T YA2 limited edition prints straight off the printing press this afternoon. These will be on sale…

Posted by Joe Caslin on Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Wrote Caslin of the image:

| E Q U A L I T Y | – Claddagh…The hands represent friendship….The crown represents loyalty….And the heart represents love. …#‎voteyes‬


| E Q U A L I T Y |CladdaghThe hands represent friendship.The crown represents loyalty.And the heart represents love.#voteyes

Posted by Joe Caslin on Sunday, March 29, 2015

Here’s the building before the mural went up via Caslin on Instagram.


Andy Towle

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