One Million Dollars To Whoever Can Make Sense Out Of This Hilarious Iggy Azalea Freestyle Rap
Eternally fancy Australian musician Iggy Azalea holds the title of female rapper with the longest-leading number one single on the Billboard Hot 100, but it seems her talents might best be served with a script.
An entirely indecipherable ‘free-style rap’ (if you can call it that) from Iggy recently cropped up online.
Here’s one attempt at transcribing it:
One expert in indecipherable music (we’re talking about dub step, naturally), REVOLVR, did their best to crack Iggy’s code, offering this partial remix:
Iggy Collab?REVOLVR & Iggy Collab? Lyrics: [unknown]
Posted by REVOLVR on Thursday, April 2, 2015
REVOLVR was shocked to discover his video reach over 5 million views so quickly, and has since promised a fully completed remix. He solicited potential track titles from fans, and received such gems as:
- Window Winner feat. Iggy Azalea
- Raptor Badger Window
- Badger raptor powpow
- Raptor Badger ft Igloo Australia (the Papa Johns Remix)
- When I win a window
Perhaps Iggy is best left to Sean Hayes and his hubby.
Dan Tracer
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