Young Sons Of Gay Dad Share Their Powerful Brushes With Antigay Bullying

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Young Sons Of Gay Dad Share Their Powerful Brushes With Antigay Bullying

Screen Shot 2015-04-03 at 10.57.15 AMGood parenting is made even better with a soundtrack of inspirational piano music and frog noises.

YouTuber Kamaka Alameda, a gay father of two in Puna, Hawaii recently posted a video in which he openly engages his young sons about the homophobia they face in school.

His older son is in 5th grade, and describes:

“I was bullied because people would ask me about my father — if he was gay. And I would say ‘yeah, there’s nothing wrong with that…’ I tried to walk away from this kid — he jumped on me and he slammed my face against a pole and gave me a black eye…They would call me gay, they would call me stupid, retard.”

The situation wasn’t addressed properly, and Kamaka eventually decided to switch the kids’ school after personally witnessing his son being called a “fag” and hearing that he continued to face bullying “almost every single day.”

“I want to create an awareness that this happens to people in the community,” he says in the video. “If you step out and you’re not afraid to be who you are, sometimes you’re hated on…How I raise my children is that they can love whoever they want to love.”

Watch their touching story below:

Dan Tracer

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