'Documentary' on Impending Criminalization of Christianity Features a Who's Who of Anti-gay GOP Loons: VIDEO

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'Documentary' on Impending Criminalization of Christianity Features a Who's Who of Anti-gay GOP Loons: VIDEO


Last week, we reported on an upcoming religious “documentary” titled Light Wins: How to Overcome the Criminalization of Christianity detailing the supposed persecution of Christians at the hands of the LGBT fight for equality.

In that first preview video released, we saw Mike Huckabee and Scott Lively spouting anti-gay bile. Now, Right Wing Watch has pointed to a second preview featuring a number of current GOP congressmen with piss poor track records on equality issues.

Featured in the new preview:

Rather than sum up the jaw-dropping statements made in the second preview of this sham film, it might be best if you just check it out yourself AFTER THE JUMP



Kyler Geoffroy


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