British Right-Wing UKIP Party Urged To Cut Ties With Christian Group Over Anti-Gay 'Depravity' Comments: VIDEO
Right-wing British party Ukip has distanced itself from an authorized Christian group that said depraved gay people should be “converted” from their “vice,” reports The Guardian.
In a newsletter about last year’s Manchester Pride, the Christian Soldiers of Ukip wrote:
“Thousands of people proclaiming their pride in their depravity paraded through the streets watched by multiple thousands of supporters applauding the display of wickedness and seeking to drown out the voices of the few crying in the wilderness.
“There are those who say that we shouldn’t be witnessing at these events because they are given over by God to this vice as per Romans Chapter 1. While this is undoubtedly true of many, it is not true of all because homosexuals are being converted. The same could be said of most sinners.”
The group also asked Christians to boycott supermarket chain Asda “because of their support for the ‘gay march’ in Manchester which took place in front of little children during the day.”
A party spokesman said that the Christian Soldiers of Ukip “do not represent the party or its policies. This leaflet was recently brought to our attention. Authorised groups are not allowed to invent Ukip policy and we do not consider that this leaflet is of an acceptable standard to be associated with the Ukip brand.”
Elizabeth Biddulph, a leading member of the group, said that the publication represents “free speech between people who share the same view unless we live in Soviet Union or Nazi Germany censoring what people believe.”
Although Ukip has made moves to distance itself from the publication, the party has failed to cut ties with the group.
At a Ukip conference last year, the Christian Soldiers of Ukip hosted the “Coalition For Marriage” group whose director Andrea Minichiello Williams (right) spoke at conference in Jamaica to lobby against the repeal of anti-gay laws and claimed that Tom Daley is gay because his father died.
Watch Ukip leader Nigel Farage explain why he is against same-sex marriage (but he’s not really), AFTER THE JUMP…
Jim Redmond
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