La Vénéneuse I Psaume00233.CICCIOLINA

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La Vénéneuse I Psaume00233.CICCIOLINA

Mr & Mlle Valeska Jr. posted a photo:

La Vénéneuse I Psaume00233.CICCIOLINA


“It’s useless to teach me to sit with my legs crossed
I was born as a sinner, sorry if it bothers you
When you want something, you’ve got to say it out loud
You can pass the line if you wear shining white

When some beautiful day I shall come to you
Not even wearing a nun gown will save me
Nor the whole Argentina crying after me
If you’ve lived like Cicciolina

I caress my teddy bear, I’m full of love
Yeah, I’m turned on by attention, I don’t need to hide it
Being free and lewd is beautiful
Too many people here are strangers even to themselves

I put a flower crown on my head on behalf of pleasure
And if I order, you’ll kneel before me
You can see the world as such a beautiful place
If you’ve lived like Cicciolina

When there’s currency under the shirt
I’ll always have the upper hand in a situation
Glares and commenters are horrified: “No, not like that!”
If I were a man, I’d be an envied playboy !”
Erika Vikman “Cicciolina” 2020

Style book inspired by the style of the pornographic actress “La Cicciolina”.

Happy Pride Month Everyone <3
With love Mathylda & Stanislav <3

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Cicciolina Song :

Who’s the Cicciolina ?

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