La Vénéneuse I Psaume00226.CONSUMÉRISME

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La Vénéneuse I Psaume00226.CONSUMÉRISME

Mr & Mlle Valeska Jr. posted a photo:

La Vénéneuse I Psaume00226.CONSUMÉRISME


“The gods have definitely closed the gates of Olympus, and they’re having fun without us. They have lost interest in those creatures who have invented a unique god in their own image, they who live among the fauns, centaurs, sphinxes and hippogriffs? They’ve lost interest in us. We are going to remain alone with this other image of ourselves, this Christ who wanted so much love, and who died crucified. Maybe Isis is crying in silence.”
_Bernard Domeyne / Arsinoé d’Afrique (2013)

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Special thank’s for my friends Anton, TiddlesWiddles & Julian Blush who responded present for this series of looks !

Julian Blush Flickr :

Nobody Is Perfect flickr :

TW. flickr :

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