NOM Backs Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore's Unlawful Crusade Against 'Judicial Tyranny' on Gay Marriage: AUDIO

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NOM Backs Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore's Unlawful Crusade Against 'Judicial Tyranny' on Gay Marriage: AUDIO


On Friday, National Organization for Marriage president Brian Brown expressed his unwavering support for Alabama Court Justice Roy Moore’s unlawful campaign to convince his state to defy a federal court ruling overturning the state ban on same-sex marriage.

Right Wing Watch reports on what Brown wrote to his supporters:

We need to stand up to this kind of bullying whenever we encounter it, but especially when it comes dressed up in the robes of the state authority. Indeed, then we shouldn’t call it merely bullying at all, but assign it the true name it deserves: tyranny. […]

Marriage Supporter, this is the kind of principled stand we need more of our public officials to take—and we need to take such a stand ourselves, too. […]

And as we work, let’s remember that we’re not alone in this fight! Lately, I have had a few opportunities to meet with marriage leaders throughout the globe, such as at the recent Vatican Colloquium on the Complementarity of Man and Woman. The experiences of these countries make it clear that we have a global fight to preserve marriage, and that the biggest threats to marriage are unfortunately coming from the West — led by the United States (and the lawless actions of President Obama) but also including some countries in western Europe.

Moore, meanwhile, was interviewed by the American Family Association’s Sandy Rios on Friday and talked about the similarities he sees between the gay marriage issue and Dred Scott v. Sandford and Plessy v. Ferguson – in that all three are instances of where the courts were in the wrong both morally and constitutionally.

Later in the interview, Rios asked Moore what he would say to Christians who are upset that he’s breaking the law by defying the federal courts. Moore replied “This is not against the law, this is for the law.”

Listen to Moore’s interview, AFTER THE JUMP

Kyler Geoffroy

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