Rome, Italy City Council Votes to Establish Register for Civil Unions

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Rome, Italy City Council Votes to Establish Register for Civil Unions


Rome’s City Council approved the establishment of a register for civil unions on Thursday in a vote of 32-10 with one abstention, The Local reports:

MarinoThe long-awaited move was welcomed by (Mayor Ignazio) Marino (pictured) as aligning the Italian capital with European countries that already recognize gay unions.

“Today the capital of Italy gives a signal that, in this city, love is equal for everyone,” the mayor said in an online statement.

A spokesman for city hall was not immediately available to clarify whether same-sex couples will be afford greater rights under the measure. The local-level decision stands at odds with national legislation, which provides no legal framework for gay unions.

The register will automatically include same-sex unions legalized abroad, WIR reports:

The legislation was backed by the Partito Democratico (PD) mayor of Rome Ignazio Marino and his centre-left coalition, the anti-establishment Movimento 5 Stelle (M5S) and Sinistra Ecologia Libertà (SEL) but was opposed by centre-right parties Nuovo Centrodestra (NCD), Forza Italia (FI) and Fratelli d’Italia (FdI).

Approvata la delibera delle #UnioniCivili di Roma Capitale. Roma finalmente delibera l’amore. Grazie a tutti!

— Giulia Tempesta (@GiuliaTempesta) January 28, 2015

Andy Towle

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