This hunky gay meteorologist is showing off his home workout routine and so much more

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This hunky gay meteorologist is showing off his home workout routine and so much more

Adam Joseph is a beloved meteorologist from Philadelphia. Like many of us, he’s been going a little stir crazy while in quarantine. So to help pass the time, he’s launched a new online series called “At Home With Adam,” in which he offers viewers an inside glimpse at life with his husband and their two kids.

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Adam, who Buzzfeed named the “second-hottest TV anchor in the world” in 2017, has been posting all sorts of fun videos, sharing some of his favorite cocktail recipes, teaching how to make your own barometer, and showing off his creative home workout routines.

Here he is demonstrating how to make a curl bar out of a broomstick…

And here he is showing how to turn your sofa into a leg presses machine (with an added assist from his daughter, Hannah)…

But it doesn’t stop there. Adam has also been busy doing home demolition projects…

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DEMO!!!!! Nothing like destroying property

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Building garden boxes…

Making molten lava cakes…

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MOLTEN LAVA CAKES I put together this sort video of how you can easily make your own homemade molten lava cakes. They are super delicious, super easy, and you don’t need that many ingredients. I hope you like this “how to video” and please share with others. Happy baking!!!!!! #dad #baker #meteorologist #dessert #chocolate #cake #sweet #delicious #easy #homemade

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And cutting his own hair…

Seriously, is there anything this guy can’t do?!

Scroll down for more pics from Adam’s Instagram page…

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STAYING COOL…. #dads #kids #hot #water #swimming #100 #summer #family #love

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THIS GUY Let’s be honest, vacations with two kids 5 and 3 are more like relocations. What I mean is: there is no relaxing, dealing with temper tantrums, plane rides that feel like your rounding the globe, one being good while the other is tearing all a part, one minute they’re playing the next pushing and shoving, breakfast, lunch, dinner are quiet the show and not always in a good way, potty time is typically at the most inconvenient time, when near the ocean or pool you suddenly need more than two eyes and drain your energy watching like a hawk. So after giving a small example of what it’s like traveling with kids why the huge smiles on our face standing on the sand of Turks and Caicos? Because it is all so darn worth it and amazing. This guy next to me picks me up when I break down from the stress of it all and vise versa. Having a partner who knows when to step it up, helps smooth the hard times over. Believe me, we are like ALL families and feel those ups and downs. But in the end, the happy moments outweigh the bad, the excitement on the kids faces wipe away aggravation, the “I love you’s” are a kiss from heaven, the moments of hugging can’t last long enough, they make you laugh when you least expect it. Most of us have to remind ourselves, none of this would be possible without the person next to you.? #dads #partners #family #love #happy #vacation #tough #easy #life #kids #smile #laugh #cry

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