Madonna Forces Reporter to Drink Tequila for Asking a Dumb Question: VIDEO
Madonna’s 13th studio album Rebel Heart is not due until March 10 but an undoubtedly well-coordinated media blitz got underway this week in Australia, with an interview with Richard Wilkins on the Today show.
At the beginning of the interview, Madonna instructed Wilkins that it was not an interview, but a drinking game.
“If you ask me a stupid question, and I’m going to be the judge of that, you’re going to drink a shot of tequila. If you ask me an amazing question that sets my world on fire, I’m going to drink a shot of tequila.”
Guess who walked out of the interview sober?
Wilkins’ questions about Taylor Swift, Lourdes, and the hacker who was arrested for leaking Rebel Heart pass the shot test, but things take a turn when he asks her about reinventing herself.
Andy Towle
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