Anti-Gay Pastor Is Terrified Of Drinking Semen, Especially In Starbucks Lattes

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Anti-Gay Pastor Is Terrified Of Drinking Semen, Especially In Starbucks Lattes

webmd_rf_photo_of_two_percent_latteIt shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that the same man who warned that “Obama has released the homo demons on the black man” is full of other, equally demented wisdom.

In a recent interview, Pastor David Manning of the ATLAH World Mission Church in Harlem had a few things to say about semen.

He preceded his comments with, “Anytime anybody anywhere speaks the truth it becomes for those who oppose it controversial,” which does have some logical application. But we’ll let his “truth” speak for itself here.

Asked about his previous description of drinking semen as “having a good time,” he responded:

“Well, you know, you are pushing me up against a corner here. A number of people think that semen tastes good. A number of people think that drinking semen is a good idea. No, I don’t think that myself personally. I’m just giving you the references of what other people say. You’ve got literally millions of people around the world that really think that the taste of semen is quite a flavor, and they seek it in the midst of other kinds of activities.”

This includes some “ingenious” people who decided to put semen in Starbucks lattes, which brings a whole new meaning to extra foam.

Also we’re pretty sure if there were a semen industry, he just gave them a new tagline — “Semen — It’s quite a flavor.”

And before you go speculating that Pastor Manning spends way too much time thinking about drinking semen to be straight, he does admit to having been tempted by the “gay lifestyle.” Big shock there.

Another nugget of crazy from his interview is the idea that it isn’t his fault he wants to stone the gays to death, it’s Moses’. #MosesMadeMeDoIt

Here’s the interview if you can stomach it: 

h/t RawStory

Dan Tracer

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