Don Lemon Taunts Trump: ‘What is it About Obama That Bothers You? That He’s Smarter, Didn’t Need Daddy’s Help, is Better Looking, That He ‘Punked’ You? — WATCH
Don Lemon trended on Twitter Monday because of a biting question he asked on Sunday night directly to Donald Trump after the president retweeted a conspiracy theory about former President Obama.
“What is it about President Obama that really gets under your skin,” asked Lemon, directly addressing Trump. “Is it because he’s smarter than you? Better educated? Made it on his own; didn’t need daddy’s help? Wife is more accomplished? Better looking? I don’t know, what is it? What is it about him? That he’s a black man that’s accomplished, became president? That he punked you on the whole birth certificate thing? What is it about him? Just wondering…”
The post Don Lemon Taunts Trump: ‘What is it About Obama That Bothers You? That He’s Smarter, Didn’t Need Daddy’s Help, is Better Looking, That He ‘Punked’ You? — WATCH appeared first on Towleroad Gay News.
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