Panti Bliss Gets Standing Ovation for Fierce TED Talk on Homophobia: VIDEO

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Panti Bliss Gets Standing Ovation for Fierce TED Talk on Homophobia: VIDEO


Panti Bliss, (aka Rory O’Neill) who made international headlines last February after an impassioned speech against homophobia on stage in Dublin went viral, was invited to do a TED talk on September 12 and the speech, which showcases Panti’s wit and speaking talents spectacularly, was posted to YouTube yesterday.

The speech, titled “All The Little Things”, concerns the homophobia in society which chips away at a gay person’s self worth and well-being:

Bliss“Everyday I am jealous of straight people because that tiny intimate expression of affection has never once been mine…I am jealous of that because gay people do not get to hold hands in public without first considering the risk…We look around to see where are we, who’s around, what kind of place is it…are there bunches of lads outside a pub? … I’m 45 years old and I have never once casually, comfortably, carelessly held hands with a partner in public… I’m 45 and I’m fed up of putting up so I’m not anymore. I’m 45 years old and I’m not putting up anymore because I don’t have the energy anymore. Putting up is exhausting. I’m 45 years old and I’m not putting up anymore because I don’t have the patience anymore. I was born 6 months before the Stonewall riots and you have had 45 years to work out that despite appearances, I am just as ordinary, just as unremarkable, and just as human as you are. I’m 45 years old and I’m not asking anymore. I am just being…human being.”

Watch Panti take it away, AFTER THE JUMP


Andy Towle

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