LGBTQ people blamed for coronavirus. Typical.

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LGBTQ people blamed for coronavirus. Typical.

Four years after he blamed a pair of murders on Pride parades, Rabbi Meir Mazuz is now claiming the LGBTQ+ celebrations are the reason behind the worldwide coronavirus outbreak.

Related: Crazed pastor says coronavirus is God’s revenge for gays

Speaking at the Kisse Rahamim yeshiva in Bnei Brak, Israel, on Saturday, March 7, Mazuz said that a Pride parade is “a parade against nature, and whoever acts against nature, He who created nature will avenge him,” according to Israel Hayom. “When you do things against nature, you are sticking your hand in the fire and praying that the fire will not burn you. It will burn you! Here they have the insolence to revolt against nature, the Pride Parade, what are you proud of?”

Rabbi Meir Mazuz, spiritual leader of the defunct Yachad party in #Israel and head of the Kiseh Rahamim yeshiva, said the #coronavirus is God’s “revenge” for gay pride parades, Arab countries have been spared because they “don’t have this evil inclination”

— Kyle Orton (@KyleWOrton) March 8, 2020

He added: “All the countries that have this [evil] are all [suffering from the coronavirus] except for the Arab states that do not have this evil inclination, this thing, and aren’t suffering from this disease.”

And he blamed Iran’s outbreak on the nation’s “horrible Israel haters,” according to the report.

Related: Beware the “homovirus,” warns right-wing pastor in unhinged coronavirus rant

The Israel branch of the Anti-Defamation League criticized Mazuz’s comments. “It is regrettable that in times like these when the whole world comes together to eradicate coronavirus, Rabbi Mazuz finds it appropriate to blame the virus’s outbreak on the LGBTQ community,” the organization said in a statement. “We harshly condemn his statements and urge him to apologize.”

The Ne’emanei Torah Va’Avodah movement also issued a statement denouncing the rabbi’s remarks, according to The Times of Israel. “Using this time of need to incite against the LGBT community is unacceptable,” the statement read. “Trying to get people to return to religion cannot come at the price of harming others.”

As PinkNews points out, a California-based pastor also blamed the COVID-19 outbreak on LGBTQ+ individuals. Last week, Rev. Steven Andrew of the USA Christian Church declared March as “Repent of LGBT Sin Month” and said in a press releasethat “obeying God protects the USA from diseases, such as the coronavirus.”

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