DVD: “Last Weekend,” “Tusk,” “Elsa & Fred,” & More!

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DVD: “Last Weekend,” “Tusk,” “Elsa & Fred,” & More!


We’re ringing in the new year with a diverse batch of home entertainment releases, from senior citizen rom-com (Elsa & Fred, above) to off-kilter horror (Tusk) to a queer-inclusive drama starring Patricia Clarkson (Last Weekend).

Scroll down for the deets!




($24.99 Blu-ray, $19.98 DVD; Lionsgate)

In this totally off-kilter horror-comedy from filmmaker Kevin Smith, Justin Long plays a podcaster who finds himself in dire straits when encountering a man obsessed with seals. Zany stuff, with an utterly bonkers surprise appearance by a heavily made-up Johnny Depp as a loopy investigator! Extras include making-of featurettes, deleted scenes, a commentary and audio Smodcast about the film.


Last Weekend

($24.99 DVD; IFC)

In an all-too-rare starring role, Patricia Clarkson plays the matriarch of a family — including a gay son and his boyfriend — that gather at their gorgeous summer home. Dramz ensue!


Elsa & Fred

($24.99 Blu-ray, $19.99 DVD; Millennium)

Shirley MacLaine and Christopher Plummer play single, elderly neighbors who discover that love has no expiration date. Silverdaddy and MacLaine fans, this is the rom-com for you! Extras include a making-of featurette.



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Stephen King’s A Good Marriage

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