A Drag Queen's New Year's Wish List: From Serious to Sassy

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A Drag Queen's New Year's Wish List: From Serious to Sassy
All good things must come to an end. Thus, 2014, a year of great highs and lows for people all around the world, particularly in the LGBT community, is fading. This time of the year a queen can’t help but be hopeful as they look ahead toward new beginnings. With this in mind, here are five things I would like to see come true for gay, lesbian and transgender people in 2015 from serious to sassy:

Supreme Court Stops Punting

While the benefit of the United States Supreme Court punting on the issue of marriage equality this year essentially raised the number of states where same-sex marriage is legal to 35, it didn’t settle this issue for the many unwed men and women in the remaining 15 states. There is increasing hope that the court will finally deal with the issue head on in the year to come, but that’s not a given. My first wish is that not only the court takes on gay marriage, but that it definitively ends the debate and makes marriage equality legal in all 50 states.

Pat Robertson Gets a Clue

It seems like there’s an almost weekly statement of stupidity coming out of the mouths of Pat Robertson or another member of the religious right desperate for publicity. Whether it’s claims that gays should be murdered, caused the crisis in the Ukraine, or be put on an island to die off, these pseudo-Christians falsely hide behind God’s cloak in an effort to spread hatred and smear the name of Jesus. For 2015, my wish is that these bigots get a clue. However, the chances are slim that the Michele Bachmanns of the world will suddenly wake up one day with compassion and intelligence. Therefore, I hope that in 2015, untold millions of LGBT people across the planet will look beyond the evil of mankind and look to develop their own relationships with a loving God.

No More Violence Against Gays

Not a day goes by when one does not read about violence and hatred perpetrated against gays and lesbians around the world. Particularly disturbing is the horrific brutality that LGBT people in Russia are experiencing, a country whose leader has been desperate to demonstrate his international influence. Many gays report being tricked into false hookups only to endure horrific beatings at the hands of homophobic groups, while the nation toughens its laws against gays and seemingly approves of anti-gay aggression. Russia is sadly not alone, however. Across the continent of Africa, many governments are masking their anti-gay bigotry in laws that allow for gays and lesbians to be murdered simply for existing. In 2015, I wish that no matter which country a person lives in they are granted the freedom to be who they are and to love who they must.

Transgender Lives Matter

No group knows the high level of danger involved in simply walking down any street in America better than transgender people. The depth of violence perpetrated against this group of individuals will probably never be fully known, as many attacks go unreported. However, a quick glance of the headlines demonstrates that there have been numerous killings and brutal attacks against transgender people this year right here in the United States, not to mention all over the world. Perpetrators of these crimes often receive little punishment and many cases somehow run cold, even with compelling evidence. As a drag queen, I play with gender roles and this has led me to develop a great respect for my transgender brothers and sisters who are not playing at anything, but are simply being who they were born to be. Therefore, my New Year’s wish for transgender people everywhere is that the rest of us recognize transgender lives matter as much as our own, and that the gay and lesbian community stands up for the rights of our brethren.

Nick Jonas and James Franco Sex Scene

What would a wish list be without one selfish fantasy? Nick Jonas and James Franco have played us gays like fine-tuned fiddles this past year. A flash of butt cheeks on stage, hot photo spreads in magazines, even their Instagram pics have left us drooling and lining up to see or buy anything they promote. My final wish for the new year is that these two hotties stop teasing us already and throw down for a full on sex scene… together. I can tell you with great authority that we won’t care anything about the plot, the scenery, the music, the artistry or under what pretext it takes place. However, a very happy New Year would bring us visions of Nick and James naked and entwined… I think we’ve earned it!


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