All That X-Rated Smut Is Killing Off Marriage, According To The FRC

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All That X-Rated Smut Is Killing Off Marriage, According To The FRC

Group-02-360x240The Family Research Council just won’t quit. Having clearly lost the battle to convince Americans that being gay is just about the worst thing you can “choose” to do, they’ve widened their scope in an attempt to shake their proverbial finger at the rest of a society they see as crumbling relentlessly around them.

Marriage — that sacred bond between a man and a woman, has been on the decline lately. Why? Well, according to them, it’s all that porn everyone is watching! They call it “common-sensical” that the more x-rated smut is freely available on the interwebs, the more damaged the institution of marriage becomes.

What they’re actually doing is taking the results from a study by a German think tank and using them to prop up their distorted view of reality. The Washington Post looked at the same study and had this to say:

“There are many reasons for the trend. One of the most provocative is the rise of wealth inequality. Andrew J. Cherlin made this point in a recent op-ed in the New York Times: Historically, low and stable inequality has coincided with periods of higher marriage rates among all socioeconomic groups. Marriage can be a expensive institution, especially without two sustainable sources of income. It’s likely of little coincidence that the United States is particularly unequal today, and its poor are particularly less likely to marry than the rich.”

They went on to point out several flaws in the study, one of which being that it examines data collected from 2000-2004, so, data that are a decade old.

Also, the researchers themselves note that their “findings fall short of being conclusive.”

But far be it for the FRC to use real-world logic when deciding which damaging thing to assert next.

[h/t The New Civil Rights Movement]

Dan Tracer

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