Did Andy Cohen Officially Out Kevin Spacey? And Does It Even Matter?
Despite being photographed playing naked “butt bongos” with male pals while partying off the Croatian coast in 2008, getting snapped by paparazzi getting cozy with a male model in Los Angeles in 2000, or filing a police report after being mugged at 4 a.m. in a London park notorious for gay hookups, 55-year-old Kevin Spacey has always remained tight-lipped about his sexual orientation.
“Let’s let people live their lives and do it the way they want to do it,” he told The Hollywood Reporter earlier this year. “All the chips will fall in the end, and we’ll all be judged by a much higher power.”
But at least one celebrity has had enough of Mr. Spacey’s decision to keep his private life private.
In his new book The Andy Cohen Diaries: A Deep Look at a Shallow Year, total top Andy Cohen has some rather choice words for the Academy Award-winning actor.
In one of his “diary entires” dated September 9, 2013, the reality TV mogul writes that he and his dad were at the U.S. Open men’s finals when they ran into Mr. Spacey: “Kevin Spacey was in front of us with a face full of makeup and three male companions who were definitely NOT raising any questions.”
In another entry, Cohen writes that when fellow gay Neil Patrick Harris dropped by his show, the two dished on Spacey’s sexual orientation: “NPH and I talked about a lot of gay stuff, including debating Kevin Spacey; I still get enraged when I think about him talking about being in love with that woman on 60 Minutes. Come out, sir.”
This begs the question: Does Andy have a point? With more and more celebrities coming out, setting a positive example and paving the way for future generations of LGBT entertainers, should Kevin Spacey follow suit? Or does he have a right to privacy? And what message is he sending by refusing to talk publicly about his sexual orientation?
What do you think? Sound off in the comments section below.
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