Mission ImPAWsible Magazine Feature – Attention Magazine November 2019

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Mission ImPAWsible Magazine Feature – Attention Magazine November 2019

TheIrishDevil posted a photo:

Mission ImPAWsible Magazine Feature - Attention Magazine November 2019

Sometimes the worst part of letting go
Is when your heart starts losing hope
You feel a whole lot of nothing
But you gotta keep on running

When it seems like the love is gone
And you think that you’re on your own
Just take a look around
Open up your eyes, you see the love never dies

We’re getting sappy up in here. Hang on to your hats and monocles.

As of this early autumn I joined the Attention Magazine team as Copy Editor. I was immediately made to feel wholly welcome, valid, and worthwhile by most everyone I met… and it turns out that was exactly what I needed. After a lengthy period of feeling busted and broken in a way that I just could not shake, it was the folks at Attention Magazine – and some other new friends introduced to me through them – that have been the ones to show me that I’m still “in here”. That I have sincere value of my own, my own shine still exists under the tarnish, and that actual healing and moving forward is possible.

Even for me.

Now, the position of Copy Editor is often a very quiet and behind-the-scenes sort of gig. But, Attention is a Second Life photography and lifestyle magazine, and everyone here knows that I enjoy SL photography as a hobby. When I heard that the November issue of Attention was going to be themed around spies and espionage, I realized that I wanted to pitch an idea. Something not all that serious, but entirely within theme.

I was shocked when Athena, owner of Attention, said “I love it. Make it happen.”

Getting so ill mid-October and having my usual photo tools crap out on me after I’d taken two photos for the spread put the project in jeopardy, but I did indeed make it happen in the end.

And so! Over the next few days I’ll be uploading each of the photos from my November 2019 Attention Magazine feature. If you’d like to check out the magazine as a whole and what the feature looks like in e-print, you can find an inworld version available via the Attention Magazine kiosk at my gacha shop, OR you can follow this link for the web version.

More tomorrow!


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