Rose McGowan Is Sorry About Gay Slur; Doesn’t Get Golden Girls

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Rose McGowan Is Sorry About Gay Slur; Doesn’t Get Golden Girls

Rose-McGowan-Wallpaper-rose-mcgowan-26820077-1024-768For those of you who hang upon the words of celebrities, it may be time to relax a little bit about Rose McGowan. The star of Charmed and Conan the Barbarian came under fire yesterday for a few unkind, thoughtless words, and now she’s apologized. Somewhat.

“I made a dumb generalization, for that I apologize,” she wrote today, but added, “For everything else I said, no. I will not.”

“Gay men are as misogynistic as straight men, if not more so,” she said. “You wanna talk about the fact that I have heard nobody in the gay community, no gay males, standing up for women on any level?”

Errrrr, well that may not be true. Plenty of gay men are concerned about feminism and gender equality. But we get her point: as a group, gay men aren’t super-vocal about women’s issues. It’s definitely a blind spot. She’s right. And to be fair, Rose has been an ally of LGBT equality in the past, so it’s not like she’s out to attack us for no reason.

But then she said this, which is a little rude: “I see now people who have basically fought for the right to stand on top of a float wearing an orange Speedo and take molly.” Ouch.

And in her apology, she tells a story about how a gay friend of hers called Blanche from Golden Girls a slut, and then she yelled at him and corrected him, which just sounds annoying. Rose, please don’t attempt to goldsplain the show to us. It’s OK to call Blanche a slut.  That’s not misogyny. That’s just being real.


matt baume

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