9 Out Of 10 HIV Transmissions Occurring From People Not Receiving Care: VIDEO

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9 Out Of 10 HIV Transmissions Occurring From People Not Receiving Care: VIDEO

HIV transmission

The tide of HIV transmission rates has been stemmed over the decades, but it hasn’t stopped with estimated tens of thousands of new transmissions every year. A new CDC analysis is showing that of those transmissions, 91.5% of them are coming from people who have HIV and are not receiving treatment or care, including those who are not aware that they are infected. Said Jonathan Mermin, MD of the CDC:

We could prevent the vast majority of new infections tomorrow by improving the health of people living with HIV today.

Improving health includes:

[I]n addition to antiretroviral therapy, HIV care should include risk reduction counseling on how to protect their partners, screening and treatment for other sexually transmitted infections, and treatment for mental health and substance use disorders.

All ya gotta do is TUG: Take PrEP; Use a condom; Get tested. End HIV.

Watch a video from the CDC on how we can prevent the vast majority of new HIV infections, AFTER THE JUMP…

Christian Walters


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