8 Twitter Pics Of Equality Denied In Idaho As Gay Couples Wait In Vain To Get Married: PHOTOS
We’ve been reporting today about the marriages that were supposed to begin in Idaho and Nevada but were stopped by a stay issued by Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy of the 9th Circuit’s ruling which came down yesterday. We’re still following reports of couples who showed up today at government offices in both states seeking marriage licenses who were turned away following Justice Kennedy’s order.
Take a look at 8 photos from Twitter documenting the ups and downs happening in Idaho today for same-sex couples, AFTER THE JUMP…
This is the line for marriage licenses at the Ada County Courthouse in #Idaho #gaymarriage pic.twitter.com/JEBwHOjb5Z
— Christina Marfice (@IPTchristina) October 8, 2014
The first couples are through security in Ada County. #idaho #gaymarriage pic.twitter.com/X4zSZxQrTi
— Christina Marfice (@IPTchristina) October 8, 2014
Stay issued by #SCOTUS associate justice Kennedy for #idaho #gaymarriage pic.twitter.com/i0qXq0nRDT
— Christina Marfice (@IPTchristina) October 8, 2014
One couple married in Twin Falls before the stay RT @IdahoGovernment: #twinfalls county’s first married gay couple pic.twitter.com/ijlRihjiQD
— Idaho Statesman (@IdahoStatesman) October 8, 2014
Photographer Kyle Green captures the scene at the Ada courthouse: pic.twitter.com/AKvbriLS7J
— Idaho Statesman (@IdahoStatesman) October 8, 2014
With minutes to spare before 1st license issued, SCOTUS blocks Idaho gay marriage t.co/zIwJ0d1zvh pic.twitter.com/ZMqzG3EFzN
— KTVB.COM (@KTVB) October 8, 2014
Otter “grateful that Justice Kennedy acted so promptly” in blocking same-sex marriages t.co/zIwJ0d1zvh pic.twitter.com/ymlKEvhKSR
— KTVB.COM (@KTVB) October 8, 2014
A lot of tears at the courthouse pic.twitter.com/jnqxKYgev7
— Cynthia Sewell (@CynthiaSewell) October 8, 2014
Sean Mandell
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