64. The Captain and the Engineer: (AU) Delicious Compatibility

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64. The Captain and the Engineer: (AU) Delicious Compatibility

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64. The Captain and the Engineer: (AU) Delicious Compatibility

-Alternate Universe-

(Continued from Chapter 22: The Meet-Cute)

***Please note that this chapter contains adult themes (NSFW).***

The last three weeks had passed both quickly and agonizingly slow for Aiden. Ever since his first date with Vincent at the diner, they had been texting back and forth. Aiden felt that they were getting along splendidly. But now all the waiting was finally over! Vincent was back from his business trip and he’d agreed to meet again for a second date! They decided to meet where they’d first met, at Babba’s Cafe, in the early evening and see where the rest of the day took them.
Aiden had arrived at the little outdoor coffee shop just before the appointed time to find Vincent had already made it before him. Aiden grinned and couldn’t help how his heart sped up excitedly upon seeing Vincent smiling back at him in return.
Vincent had to admit he enjoyed those text conversations over the past few weeks with the younger man. Aiden surprised him several times; often by causing Vincent to chuckle or say something he’d normally not reveal so early in the dating game…but Aiden had a way about him that made him feel so comfortable to be himself.
And it showed! Nearly two hours passed and the men were still just chatting back and forth as they enjoyed their coffees and each other’s company. It was almost unheard of for the introverted Vincent! Just like the time at the diner, he found he didn’t really want to say goodnight to his date yet. Last time, he had to cut the evening short due to his business trip. Tonight, however, he had all the time in the world!
Therefore, Vincent invited Aiden out to dinner and offered to pay since Aiden had generously paid for Vincent’s iced coffee. Aiden was happy to spend more time with him and agreed to join him without hesitation and even offered to buy dessert.
Together, they’d agreed on Chinese. So Vincent suggested an amazing hole-in-the-wall restaurant over by his apartment. Vincent, surprising himself, volunteered to drive them there. So, together they walked to his vehicle (a black Porsche 911 Turbo Cabriolet) and off they went…once Aiden had his chance to gush over it, of course!
Dinner was delicious and while they continued to enjoy each other’s company it was clear the mood had started to shift. They were more quiet now as they enjoyed their meal. Every so often Aiden would glance towards Vincent. Each time, Vincent caught him and gave Aiden a little smirk; often with a blush tinting his cheeks. Aiden was not as sneaky as he thought he was being. And there was a small tension growing between them; a good kind of tension.
As Vincent paid for their meals afterwards, he began to contemplate saying goodnight now after all. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to spend more time with Aiden…but was it wise? He glanced over towards Aiden as he stood in front of a claw machine. A moment later he began digging for quarters in his wallet. Vincent smirked a little and turned back to the desk to finish paying the cashier. Once it was all settled, he went to rejoin his date at the claw machine.
Vincent was impressed with Aiden’s skill as he succeeded to score a small raven plushie! Good for him! He grinned and nudged Aiden’s arm once the plushie dropped successfully into the prize bin and chuckled.
“Go you!”
Aiden laughed softly and blushed as he retrieved his prize. Then he turned to face Vincent and licked his lips nervously. But before Vincent could ask what the look was for, the plushie was held out to him as Aiden explained, “This is for you.”
“For me?”
“Mhm. I saw it and I thought of you.”
Vincent blinked in surprise as he reached out and took the soft, hand-sized plushie in his hands. No one had ever given him something like this before. But then perhaps no one would have guessed that the stoic, unsmiling, and straight-to-the-point Vincent was secretly a lover of adorable things. Vincent’s cheeks colored a lovely shade of red as he gazed up at Aiden with a pleased little smile. Ah, Aiden was doing everything right tonight so far.
“Thank you. That’s…sweet of you.”
“You’re very welcome!”
Aiden blushed slightly more as Vincent broke out into a wider smile. As he began heading out the door, Aiden began to walk alongside him with a satisfied smile. This date was going splendidly!
Once out in the evening air, Vincent inhaled deeply and let it out happily. As Aiden joined him at his side, Vincent gestured for him to walk alongside him. He didn’t have to tell him twice! Aiden grinned and happily began to walk the short distance down the sidewalk back towards Vincent’s car.
Yet Aiden was a little surprised that Vincent didn’t slow down and walked right past his car. That WAS his car, right? Aiden glanced over his shoulder, certain that they’d passed it, and was about to mention it to Vincent. But before he could open his mouth, he felt Vincent’s hand brush against his almost hesitantly before his palm turned towards his and boldly slid his fingers between Aiden’s. Okay, Vincent realized, maybe he wasn’t ready to say goodnight after all…
Aiden blinked and broke out into a grin as his fingers gently gave his a squeeze. Yes, he wanted this. Aiden nibbled his lower lip and glanced towards Vincent who glanced back at the same time. They both smiled shyly and continued to enjoy their quiet walk along the city street. Though it was only a minute later that Aiden suddenly remembered something as he noticed a sweet shop across the street!
“Are you in the mood for dessert?”
“Mm, I could go for dessert. What did you have in mind?”
Aiden smiled and pointed with his free hand across the way towards the shop that had caught his eye. Vincent followed his gaze and broke into a smile. Normally, he wasn’t big on sweets but this shop sold a few of his favorites. He grinned up at Aiden and told him, “I like the way you think.”
Inside the sweet shop, Aiden revealed himself to have quite a sweet tooth! Vincent watched with amusement as Aiden struggled to decide between everything! Finally he settled on chocolate drizzled honeycomb; a favorite but rare treat he’d not had in a long time. Meanwhile, Vincent chose one of his usual favorites: chocolate covered coffee beans.
The men happily made their way back out onto the sidewalk once again with their dessert (with Vincent’s plushie tucked safely into his pocket). Vincent led Aiden the long way back to the car so they had more time to enjoy together. He couldn’t help but occasionally glance up at Aiden and watch his enjoyment as he munched away happily. When Aiden offered to share a bite Vincent politely declined but offered some of his own dessert. Aiden grinned and reached in to take some but walking made it awkward and Vincent nearly dropped the bag!
“Aiden, wait!” Vincent chuckled as he reached out to grasp his arm to halt his progress. He gently tugged him to stand before him causing Aiden to laugh softly as he was steadied. And in the dim lighting of the streetlights Vincent could see that cute blush of his. With an amused smirk Vincent offered the bag up to him again. After gazing into Vincent’s eyes for a moment Aiden then reached in and plucked out a few beans and popped them into his mouth.
“Mm, tasty!”
“Mhm. You can taste the freshness. They make them here at the sweet shop,” Vincent explained as he began to walk once more. A second later he realized Aiden was not next to him anymore. When he glanced back at Aiden he saw Aiden’s gaze had actually lowered and was very obviously checking out his ass!
Aiden realized quickly he’d been caught and sheepishly raised his gaze with a deepening blush and nervous nibble of his lower lip. Would Vincent be upset? Though his worries were quickly squashed as he saw a highly amused smirk perk his date’s lips. Instead of saying anything, Vincent reached out and hooked his arm around Aiden’s so they could walk close and still enjoy their desserts. He was still smirking as he popped a couple of his chocolate covered coffee beans into his mouth and silently continued walking. Aiden grinned and happily walked alongside him while taking a bite of his honeycomb. Evidently, Vincent approved of Aiden’s admiration of his ass. Well, then!
They continued to slowly make their way towards Vincent’s car in silence as they enjoyed their treats. But as they turned the corner and the car was in sight Vincent began to feel a small sinking feeling in his stomach as he realized this meant the end of their evening together. As he heard a tiny sigh next to him, he began to think that maybe he wasn’t the only one feeling that way.
When they were close to the car, Vincent paused their trek beside a garbage can where he tossed his small bag out. He stepped back as Aiden tossed his own trash out. Aiden turned to smile at Vincent before he reached for his hand and took it now without hesitation. Vincent spread his fingers for him and intertwined their fingers. Though, they didn’t keep walking.
As they stood there and gazed at each other, Vincent began to feel his heart thump harder in his chest and his lips parted slightly. He watched Aiden’s eyes flick down towards his lips and he felt his heart thump again. It was the universal sign for wanting to be kissed. And truthfully Vincent’s own lips had begun to tingle as he began to wonder how Aiden would taste…
Vincent’s hands came up without permission and gently but firmly grasped the collar of Aiden’s open button up and tugged him downwards and captured the younger man’s lips with his own. He immediately delved in, fingers brushing up along his collar to cup along his neck as he began tasting him for the first time.
Aiden blinked in surprise as he was suddenly kissed, but he didn’t need to be told twice! With a quiet sigh of pleasure, Aiden’s hands moved around Vincent’s slender waist and pulled him closer as he closed his eyes and allowed himself to experience their first kiss. Aiden had been fantasizing about kissing Vincent all night! He hadn’t realized he had been giving any such look of longing as he was doing moments earlier.
They continued to kiss for nearly half a minute, uncaring of the world around them as they touched and tasted each other. When Vincent pulled back slightly and gazed up at Aiden with flushed cheeks, Aiden gazed back at him with a little grin. He glanced around then leaned in to peck Vincent’s lips before reaching for his hand and tugging him nearby to a more private corner of the side street.
Once they had a little more privacy the two quickly met for another kiss; this time delving in deeper and pressing closer so that there was no space between them. It had been a while since Vincent had felt like this for anyone…but now that he was and knew that Aiden was feeling the same? He wasn’t about to stop just yet.
Though it didn’t take very long for their kissing to become more heated and they were pressing the boundaries of public decency with their making out. Vincent’s fingers slid back to Aiden’s hair and gave a gentle tug in a spot that most people found…arousing. He was not disappointed as he heard Aiden gasp pleasurably and felt his fingers curl into Vincent’s sides. Vincent’s lips slid down along his chin and to his throat as he began to allow himself to get a little lost in the moment. The fire was only fueled as Aiden gave a quiet moan as Vincent’s lips found just the right spot…
Lifting his head Vincent gazed up into Aiden’s eyes through his bangs and murmured, “Ready to go home?” to which Aiden’s eyes darkened slightly as he breathed a little huskily and without hesitation, “Home? Yours or mine?”
Aiden hadn’t meant that to slip out like that despite it being what he wanted! Would Vincent find it too forward of him? He very quickly got his answer.
With a small growl that sounded primal and a touch animalistic, Vincent leaned in and roughly nipped a spot near the base of Aiden’s throat; a sensitive bundle of nerves that lit his body aflame with desire. As Aiden fought back another moan, Vincent’s gaze lifted and poured into his with a heat that froze with fire.
The way he said it, Aiden felt, it felt more than just declaring their destination. It felt as if he were being claimed somehow. God, that was hot! Licking his lips, Aiden swallowed nervously and agreed breathlessly, “Yours.”
Without another word, Vincent pulled away while keeping his gaze on Aiden for a long moment and very obviously was taking the time to look him over. With a small smirk he gestured for Aiden to come along and head back to his car. Oh yes, he couldn’t wait to make this young man his…

At his apartment Vincent let his guest inside and closed the door behind him, locking it and toeing out of his shoes and leaving them at the door. Thus far, they’d been good. Just a little longer. Vincent went to his modern day record player and retrieved a favored album. It was one that was New Age; something melodic and sensual that would help enhance the mood, he felt. When he’d turned to look at Aiden, he saw that he was standing nearby and was watching him; not even bothering to conceal his look of desire. It seemed Aiden wasn’t too concerned about a tour and neither was Vincent…unless it had to do with his bed.
Vincent approached Aiden and once he was in reaching distance, Aiden’s arms opened and encircled him. He pulled him close and they immediately met and delved into a hungry kiss; one that they’d held back in public. But now that they were in the safety of privacy? There was no reason to hold back anymore.
Soft moans and heavy breathing escaped as they kissed, touched, and experienced each other. Still kissing, Aiden shrugged off his nice button up and Vincent’s hands slid down his torso and began to tug his tee shirt up off of him. Their kiss broke long enough for the fabric to pass between them before their lips were back on one another’s as Vincent tossed Aiden’s shirt carelessly aside. Right now, he didn’t really give a shit where anything landed.
Vincent gave Aiden’s lower lip a nip before pulling back and lowering his mouth to ravish along his neck. He focused on that little bundle of nerves at the base of Aiden’s neck, causing soft gasps of pleasure to escape him. And as Vincent’s lips parted as he began to suckle along his flesh, he felt Aiden’s hands slide down over his ass and squeeze.
Vincent moaned into Aiden’s neck as his lips moved further south, leaving a trail of kisses and love bites along his flesh. Gods, something about Aiden had lit a fire in him; one he never expected to feel so soon if at all!
Aiden’s hands slid down further and suddenly Vincent was lifted up into the air and Aiden pressed his pelvis between his thighs. As Vincent’s legs wrapped around Aiden’s hips, he lifted his head and pointed towards his bedroom as he told him, “In there.” With a nod, Aiden turned his gaze to see where he was pointing. Once he knew where to go, he turned and delved into a kiss once again and began to carry him to the bedroom as Vincent clung to him.
As soon as they made it inside, Aiden pressed Vincent right up against the nearest wall, pressing pelvis to pelvis and grinding against him and encouraging his body to respond more. Now that he knew Vincent wanted him, too, there was no need to hold this side of himself back. He broke the kiss to press his mouth heatedly to Vincent’s throat and began to sample and taste his flesh.
Vincent moaned as he leaned his head back and closed his eyes. He felt Aiden’s tongue trace along his sensitive skin, causing him to tremble and tighten his hands around him. Gods…yes. Aiden was doing everything right, and now? Now, Vincent couldn’t wait to see what the future held for them. Something told him this was going somewhere. He was secretly looking forward to it. But they’d figure that all out tomorrow. Tonight? Tonight, he had every intention of getting to know his new lover in quite the physical way and finding out all the ways they were compatible in bed…

NEXT PART: (Soon to come!)
Please note that the next chapter will continue the original storyline of TCATE!

To select another chapter (or even start from the beginning), here’s the album link:

***Please note this is a BOY LOVE (LGBTQ+) series. It is a slow burn and is rated YOUNG ADULT!***

Special thank you to my husband Vin for collaborating with me on this series and co-starring as The Captain!

♥ I would also like to say this chapter is written as per Vin’s request! He is, after all, my #1 fan and I have to do some fan service, yis? *waggles brows* His request was to see Cap’n and Aiden getting rawr! So here you go, Baby! 😉

DISCORD SERVER: That’s right! The Captain and the Engineer has a Discord Server! If you would like to join and chat with other crewmates and see what’s new and happening before it gets posted to Flickr, click the link!

FACEBOOK PAGE: The Captain and the Engineer has a FACEBOOK PAGE! Please come Like, Follow, and join the crew! Thank you so much for all your support!

64. The Captain and the Engineer: (AU) Delicious Compatibility

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