5 ways the new Queerty is better than ever

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5 ways the new Queerty is better than ever

Don’t worry: you didn’t fall asleep at your desk and drift into dreamland.

We’ve changed. No, really — we have.

Queerty was long overdue for a major design overhaul — like, long overdue — so we’ve been working overtime to reimagine just what the site should look like in 2017. How’d we do?

It’s a pretty massive overhaul by any standards, with a top-to-bottom redesign, an updated commenting system, intriguing new categories, and a way more enjoyable mobile experience. To leave no stone unturned, we even reworked our logo.

Change is inevitable, so don’t panic!

Instead, let us talk you through each of the five most important developments.

1. Design 

Remember 2005? So do we — every time we look at our old homepage. But that’s all behind us now! As of today, we’re giving the site a desperately needed makeover, so you’ll no longer wonder if you slipped through a time tunnel every time you visit us.

Since we update our content roughly every fifteen minutes give or take an hour, we thought we should go ahead and spruce up the design for once. (Even if it takes us another decade for the next refresh.)

And for those who wrote in wishing there was a way to easily keep track of which stories you’ve already read, now posts will get a subtle grey treatment and check-box after you view them.

Like this:

2. Categories

We love that our coverage is all over the road and hope you do too, but many of you have asked for an easier way to dive into the particular types of content that help get you through the day. That’s why we did you a solid and split our posts into four main categories: Life (current events); Entertainment (arts and celeb culture); Politics (like it says); and Goods (hello sailor). Feel free to explore ’til you explode, and rest assured there’s always a new piece of ridiculousness right around the corner.

3. Mobile

You love your phone. You worship your phone. You probably just checked your phone while reading this sentence. Fun fact: More than half of you visit us from you mobile devices, and that’s why we redesigned the site to look equally appetizing on small and large screens alike.

As of today, you’ll no longer have to manually zoom to see the homepage content, or to make the copy large enough to realistically read.

4. New Logo

What can we say about the old Queerty logo? A lot — but right now we’re on the clock. Let it suffice to say, the logo wouldn’t have been out of place pinned to the wall of a nominally talented kindergarten class, and we thought we could do better.

5. Improved Commenting

Scroll on over to our comments section and you’ll find a more user-friendly experience awaits. Over the years, we’ve received countless complaints about the inconsistency and overall herky-jerkiness of our commenting system, so we’ve assembled a crack team of specialists to work overtime to create a far more satisfying experience. (And now, Queerty commenters, you can use this as an opportunity to be nice to each other.)

Take a look and let us know what you think (in the comments, naturally). We’ll brace and hope for the best. 


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