3 Philadelphia Gay Bash Suspects Turn Themselves in; One is Daughter of Police Chief – VIDEO
Philip Williams, 24, and Katherine Knott, 24, two of the three suspects charged with aggravated assault, simple assault, recklessly endangering another person and criminal conspiracy for last week’s brutal assault on two gay men in Center City, Philadelphia, turned themselves in early this morning, ABC6 reports. Arrest warrants were issued yesterday.
The news station also confirms that Knott is the daughter of Chalfont, Bucks County Police Chief Karl Knott:
At their Southampton home, no one answered but when we asked several neighbors about the charges against Knott, off camera, they would only say they’re not surprised.
A third suspect, Kevin Harrigan, 26, turned himself in at 9 am.
Watch ABC6’s report, AFTER THE JUMP…
Williams, 24, didn’t speak as he arrived at Central Detectives but his attorney Fortunato Perri, Jr. did comment on the case as did Knott’s attorney.
Perri told reporters Wednesday that the case was not related to anyone’s sexual orientation. He said it was instead what he called a “mutual confrontation” in which his client “was not the aggressor.” Knott’s attorney said his client played no role in the confrontation.
Those involved will not be charged with a hate crime as Pennsylvania’s hate crime laws do not cover sexual orientation.
Yesterday, lawmakers held a rally at Pennsylvania’s capitol pushing for passage of a statewide hate crimes law. Out Rep. Brian Sims was on hand and spoke passionately, urging lawmakers to protect LGBT citizens. Another lawmaker, state Senator Jim Ferlo, came out of the closet at the event, telling those gathered, “Hundreds of people know I’m gay. I just never made an official declaration. I never felt I had to wear a billboard on my forehead. But I’m gay. Get over it. I love it. It’s a great life.”
Philip Williams, 24, surrenders to police. Facing aggravated assault charges in case of gay couple beaten in city. pic.twitter.com/YaACy8JjP0
— Jan Carabeo (@JanCarabeoCBS3) September 24, 2014
Andy Towle
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