#1445 – Carry on… As if nothing really matters ♫♪

#1445 – Carry on… As if nothing really matters ♫♪

ramon.morningstar posted a photo:

#1445 - Carry on... As if nothing really matters ♫♪

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💠 KORPOV Store
✅️ Rockstar Set

Available at Manhood Event (Oct. 27th to Nov. 21th).

Tank Top, arm chain, pants & guitar
Fit for Kario Fit/Flex, Jake & Legacy M bodies

Korpov Store

✅️ Melodic Concert Backdrop

Available at The Bearded Guy Mainstore

*At the end of the event the items will be available in the mainstore.

#1445 - Carry on... As if nothing really matters ♫♪