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Former factory building at the back of the 2nd court yard of typical Berlin tenement, Kulmer Straße 20a, Berlin-Schöneberg, known as a site of the early years of West Berlin’s Gay and Lesbian Movement.
Beginning on April 1, 1974 the Homosexuelle Aktion West Berlin (HAW) (founded 1971) met here. The group gave rise prominent LGBTIQ+ organizations like SchwuZ (short for SchwulenZentrum), Schwules Museum, and many others. Not long after the HAW the Lesbische Aktionszentrum (LAZ) was formed, taking up quarters on the 2nd above ground floor of the building in January of 1975. Organizations like Lesbenberatung Berlin e.V. and LesMirgaS continue to have their offices in the building to the present day. In 2010 the Theater O-TonArt opened its doors in the building.