Babewyn posted a photo:…
Tabasco Bar, Fuggerstrasse 3, Berlin-Schoeneberg.
According to the Tabasco Bar’s Website formerly Robby Bar (Schultheiss Klause), address before the renaming and renumbering of the south-eastern end of Augsburger Straße, Augsburger Straße 74. This indicates the gay bar predates the construction of the “Südtangente” (rerouting and widening of Lietzenburger Strasse) 1961-1963, and makes it quite possibly one of the oldest surviving gay bars in the district, if not in Berlin as a whole. A calling card displayed on the bar’s website states:
“The place in Berlin Robby Bar (Schultheiss-Klause)
Berlin W 30, Augsburger Strasse 74
Open daily from 7pm to 5am Tuesdays: Club night
Thursdays: Sports Shows · Dance / Music / Entertainment
At the bar: Kally and Herbert” *
Renamed Tabasco Bar, according to the web-site, in 1959. A DKW Schnelllaster van (years of production: 1949-1962) with the bar’s slogan on it,
“Tabasco Bar
Berlin W-30 Fuggerstr. 3
The Bar for ?
Reservations ? 24 10 83″ *
is depicted in one of the photos under menu item “Geschichte”.
(See photos on the bar’s website)
* translation by photographer.
– Tabasco Bar website. On: (Geschichte). URL: Last viewed: Feb 17 2023.