Democratic icon Roz Wyman dies at 92, brought Dodgers to LA
Daily Archives: October 27, 2022
‘Outlander’ actor says the show betrayed his trust with nude scene: “The c*ck shot was unnecessary”
‘Outlander’ actor says the show betrayed his trust with nude scene: “The c*ck shot was unnecessary”
San Francisco Pride Parade 2015 (7381)
San Francisco Pride Parade 2015 (7381)
Ron of the Desert posted a photo:
Californians charged more per gallon than any other state
Californians charged more per gallon than any other state
Madonna just went on TikTok’s favorite live-show and huffed a bottle of poppers
Madonna just went on TikTok’s favorite live-show and huffed a bottle of poppers
Indiana Court upheld decision removing trans teen from parents
Indiana Court upheld decision removing trans teen from parents
Indiana Court upheld decision removing trans teen from parents
Today’s Insta Hunk: Petr Hollesch!
Today’s Insta Hunk: Petr Hollesch!
All 50 States Have Seen LGBTQ+ Candidates in 2022, Says Advocacy Group
All 50 States Have Seen LGBTQ+ Candidates in 2022, Says Advocacy Group
KJ Apa leaves little to the imagination chasing after a dog in his underwear
KJ Apa leaves little to the imagination chasing after a dog in his underwear
The Lovers Ad
The Lovers Ad
Be My Mannequin? Pose Store posted a photo:
If you’re looking for “that new pose,” look no further than the one and only POSEvent! It opens today, October 27th and stays open until November 19th! Be My Mannequin? Pose Store is back with a stunning, exclusive COUPLES pose for this round! Additionally there are older releases (included for MER-FOLK) for 20% off! Read on!
Romance and dance your partner amongst the stars with eyes only for one another. You’ll feel as glorious and beautiful as the Sun and Moon, themselves with the gorgeous EXCLUSIVE found only at POSEvent: “The Lovers.”
Additionally, Be My Mannequin? is also offering a FATPACK (previously NOT available for purchase) and all its individual poses for 20% OFF:
‘Unseen World’ – Swimming two singles poses and a couples pose that will fit humanoids and mers and is intended for underwater adventures! Additionally the couples pose comes two highly detailed TENTACLE props (PG)!
Please note: ‘Unseen World’s’ poses are meant to fit Cynefin tails (Nemissa and Lorelei) but they are also confirmed to work with: Cove’s Tidal Tail, I Monster, Yabusake Betta, and GA.EG & Gaeline Creations.
After the event is over, the FATPACK: ‘Unseen World’ will NOT be available for purchase and will go back to the BMM? Vault of Fatpacks! Though you will be able to find the individual poses at BMM?’s main store!
So come on down to POSEvent and DEMO ‘The Lovers’ and ‘Unseen World’, yourself! And of course, all of BMM?’s poses come copy/mod so you can adjust as needed!
You won’t regret adding these incredible, unique poses to your collection! Come see what stories you can create with us!
With Be My Mannequin? Pose Store the only limit is your imagination!
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