The Selfie

The Selfie

Fabiola Rosenfeld posted a photo:

The Selfie

A hot summer a few years ago, brought me to a beach. Happy people were everywhere, the sun was shining hotly down on us. All the sunbeds were occupied when my eyes fell on a blonde girl. Sky-blue eyes and countless freckles smiled at me. Or was it her strawberry red lips? She had a double lounger all to herself. And like me, she had obviously forgotten her bikini. “Hey,” I said. “I wonder if I could lie down with you?” “Sure thing,” she replied, “There’s room for two.” Her name was Lisa, she was actually with her friend. Suddenly there were tears in her eyes. “She dumped me,” she said in a low voice, “and discovered her love for someone else.”

We talked about love, about disappointment and hope, and the hours flew by. Fortunately, we had kept putting on suntan lotion and helped each other along the way. Her skin was as soft as silk and when her fingers creamed my back, I almost lost my mind. What exactly was happening to me? The evening came and the sun went surprisingly fast, suddenly it was pitch black. I looked for my cell phone and turned on the flashlight. Then I took a snapshot for eternity. After that, we spent our first night together. What can I say, we still do.

The Selfie