850 FABULOUS PEARLS – March 27

850 FABULOUS PEARLS – March 27

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850 FABULOUS PEARLS - March 27


The White Pearl Salon opened officially on March 1, 2021.

Today, March 27, 2022, our membership has grown to 850!

850 charming, kind, wonderful and “sensually elegant” members!


Over 1.3 million views of our Award Winning Flickr albums!

We could not have done it without all the love and support of you…our beautiful Pearls.

So perhaps come visit for dance, romance, laughter and kisses at our NEW location!

Sweet kisses to you all,

The White Pearl Salon

P.S. – 1000 by Summer, OK? Step to it… chop chop

Taxi: maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hispaniola%20Bay/96/19/4006
Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/191000934@N06/
Events: calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=whitepearlcale…
All elegant, sophisticated, charming and fun human avis are welcomed at the Pearl, Second Life’s only low-pressure, intimate and romantic non-sex club for Transgenders and their Admirers.
Management reserves the right to excuse visitors not wishing to embrace the Pearl’s mission, decorum or social graces.
