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On January 30, 2021, Sophie Xeon passed away.

When I first came across Sophie in 2017, I was awestruck by her immense talent and her unique and innovative take on pop music as well as, all of its layers in the glitch/hyper pop realm. I hadn’t ever heard anyone quite like her. She quickly started becoming more known and was even nominated for a Grammy for her debut album, “Oil of Every Pearl’s Un-insides”. Not to mention she became a trans icon in the lgbtq community when she revealed her identify to the world. To say I was heart broken to hear about her passing is a huge understatement. She truly was the future of music and the way we perceive vibrations as a creative outlet. I’ll always love you, Sophie ◊

◊ For anyone wondering why that strange looking planet is hovering behind Sophie’s head, right after she passed away, it just so happened that an intern working for NASA discovered a new planet. When images of said planet named, TOI-1338 b came out, many fans pointed out how similar the planet’s gaseous surface layer resembled the cover of Sophie’s debut album. When this happened, a petition was created to ask NASA to change the name of the planet to, Sophie.