Now Is Not The Time For Complacency

Now Is Not The Time For Complacency

For most of us, 2020 probably can’t end soon enough! Covid-19 continues to spread throughout most parts of the world and its impact spans far beyond the deaths and health toll that it has had on many. The promising vaccines, however, give us some hope.

Yet, we cannot forget another major impact on the LGBTQ+ community this year, specifically, the erosion of our rights around the globe. We partnered with Diversport on the Know Your Rights campaign to support our LGBTQ+ sisters and brothers in Spain because knowing your fundamental rights are imperative when it comes to protecting those rights against anyone who might wish to take them away.

Whether it is the outright hostility to LGBTQ rights in countries such as Poland and Russia or the Trump Administration’s thinly-veiled efforts to roll back LGBTQ protections in the U.S., now more than ever, it is important for our community to take notice and be heard, which is why campaigns, such as Know Your Rights in Spain are so important.

Faced with the threat that education about equality and diversity could be eliminated from classrooms and schools in Andalusia, Diversport decided to fight back. They realized that, all too often, we take basic rights for granted and fail to remember how hard it was to secure those rights to begin with.

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Diversport’s advocacy and the hardwork being done by many other groups around the world reminds us why social justice movements are important and need our support. Let’s not lower our guard or take a step back. Celebrate the rights we have and advocate for those that we want every day of the year.

This Daddy and the Daddyhunt team are fully supportive of those efforts.

Northampton 207: The Boston

Northampton 207: The Boston

Peter O’Connor aka anemoneprojectors posted a photo:

Northampton 207: The Boston

The Boston, College Street, Northampton. A gay bar that we went to for our near-end-of-walk drinks, also known as The Boston Clipper.

GOC East Midlands’ walk on 18 February 2018. This was a 4.8-mile circular walk entirely within the town of Northampton in Northamptonshire. Fred F led the walk, which was attended by 12 people. You can view my other photos of this event, find out more about the Gay Outdoor Club or see my collections.

Northampton 207: The Boston