WeChat 7.0.5 for iOS and Android

WeChat 7.0.5 for iOS and Android

Upgrade now to WeChat 7.0.5, available on the iOS App Store and Google Play and try the latest improvements and features

1. Big changes to Moments

“Moments” allows you to share life’s most interesting experiences with your WeChat friends. In the latest version of Moments, we’ve made sharing even more “musical”. Now, you can search and add song snippets from WeChat’s comprehensive music collection to the videos you shoot and share to your Moments.

When browsing your friends’ Moments, videos will automatically play with the sound muted. You can tap on the video to view a fullscreen version of the video with audio. Worried about using too much data? Don’t worry, videos on WeChat use special methods to make video downloads on Moments use no more data than downloading a photo. Additionally, you can change your auto-play options within “Me” -> “Settings” => “General” => “Photos & Videos”.

Finally, at the request of many users, we’ve made it even easier for you to control WHO is able to view your Moments. When posting to Moments, you can select “Share List” => “Select from Groups” and select one or more groups who will have permission to view your Moments post. After selecting, only members of those groups will be able to view your post. This is another great way to make sure that only the people you care about see your personal photos, funny baby videos, or other Moments posts.


Select one or more groups. Afterwards, only members of these groups will be able to view your Moments post.


2. Time Capsule: Supports photos montages and music lyrics

“Time Capsule” is WeChat’s latest major feature and allows you to share a short video story with your friends for a brief period of time. Now, Time Capsule supports selecting multiple photos from your photo album after which a photo montage will be automatically created. It’s a great way to share either photos OR videos with your friends.

Also, while sharing photos or videos,  you can now search a song title, artist, or lyrics to accompany your video. An additional option allows  you to display a song’s lyrics. Decorating your Time Capsule with song lyrics adds extra feeling to your Time Capsule.

Search and add a song from WeChat’s extensive music collection

Enable “Lyrics” to display song lyrics to accompany your Time Capsule video

3. Floating Window now supports multiple windows and window types

Have you ever needed to view your chat messages while reading an article within WeChat or playing a Mini Game? It’s a hassle to back out of your article mid-stream in order to check your messages.

Floating Window was initially introduced in 2017 as a way for you to save your place and minimize an article while checking other parts of WeChat like chats. We’ve now greatly expanded Floating Window so that you can “float” up to 10 different windows. Windows can be articles, document previews, or nearly any other type of content. When viewing a music or audio Mini Program, you’ll also be able to see what’s playing via our new music display in Floating Window. Floating Window makes multi-tasking within WeChat a breeze.

When viewing an article, document preview, or other content, simply swipe right and hold to minimize the article to your Floating Window.

The Floating Window appears as a small tab that you can move around the screen.

Tapping on the Floating Window tab shows all of the screens that you’ve “floated” and can easily reopen. Float articles, document previews, and tons of other screens to make your WeChat browsing experience even more convenient.

Be sure to download the latest version of WeChat now and try out all of these new improvements!


Just In Case Your Forgot, It’s Movember! Where’s Your Moustache?

Just In Case Your Forgot, It’s Movember! Where’s Your Moustache?

Movember is here! The N replaces the M, and M stands for moustache. In an effort to raise both funds and awareness for prostate cancer and other cancers that affect men, the Movember Movement was created. You can learn more here to raise money, donate or get involved.

While the popularity of the moustache itself has risen and fallen throughout time, the premise that people will inevitably ask you about your lip warmer holds true. We guess that’s why in recent years, Movember has gotten so much buzz. They even have a nice mobile app to help you keep your moustauche in check!

Are your participating in Movember? If so, be sure to take pictures and share them with us on our social media or here.

Happy Movember to all!


With LINE Meeting, now you can join group video calls by URL!

With LINE Meeting, now you can join group video calls by URL!

We are excited to introduce you to a new feature called “LINE Meeting.” 


LINE Meeting is an important step forward for group video calls, enabling you to access them through a URL, both via smartphone and desktop, in groups of up to 500 people. You can create meetings from a LINE chat room and then invite attendees to join, whether through a chat room or by sending them a URL. 
How to use LINE Meeting 

1) First, tap the camcorder icon in the upper right of a LINE chat room. Then tap “Create meeting” to start a meeting room. 

2) LINE offers an array of practical and unique backgrounds, filters and face effects for LINE Group Call, so feel free to fine tune your look before join a meeting.

EN_05_Meeting list  EN_07_Preview  EN_08_Preview POPUP

3) You may invite more people to join by tapping the first icon in the bottom left. 

EN_09_Meeting Call

4) While you are using LINE Meeting call, do not hesitate to convert the meeting screen to Picture-In-Picture (PIP). This allows you to keep the meeting on in a floating window while you keep an eye on your LINE chat rooms. 

EN_12_PIP_1  EN_12_PIP_2

Protecting your chats with “kick out”

LINE is dedicated to providing a safe user experience throughout our ecosystem of products and services, and LINE Meeting is no exception. To protect you, LINE Meeting URLs are complex and 32 characters long, ensuring that the only people who can join your conversations are those who know the URL and are supposed to be there. In addition, if an uninvited guest does manage to join, there is a feature called “kick out,” which enables you to get rid of them — just tap “Remove” to easily protect your chat

EN_11_Settings_kick out_iOS

Like many other LINE features, LINE Meeting is free! And it’s the ideal choice for both personal and business purposes. 

LINE Meeting is available for LINE, on smartphone versions 10.13.0 or later and LINE desktop versions 6.2.0 or later. So update your LINE to enjoy the new feature! 


Grindr & MOSAIC Release Report, Capturing Experiences of GBTQ Community in Middle East and North Africa

Grindr & MOSAIC Release Report, Capturing Experiences of GBTQ Community in Middle East and North Africa

When Grindr for Equality and the MENA Organization for Services, Advocacy, Integration & Capacity Building (MOSAIC) set out to document the experiences of Grindr users in the Middle East and North Africa, it was important to all of us that we dig deeper than the typical topics that come up when people talk about anti-LGBTQ discrimination in the region.

While we asked the nearly 2,000 respondents how many had experienced violence (35%), faced employment discrimination (50%) and housing discrimination (15%) because of their sexual orientation or gender identity, we also fielded questions that would bring out the stories of LGBTQ resilience. We wanted to specifically highlight those who are building happy queer lives for themselves, even when surrounded by people and institutions who are working hard against us.

For instance, despite a common belief that coming out to families is impossible in the region, a full 29% said their parents knew about their sexual orientation or gender identity, and 6% even said their families fully accepted them for who they are.

It was equally thrilling to see the number of people who reported self-acceptance. Nearly three quarters of those who answered the survey (72%) said they are happy with their sexual orientation or gender identity. One respondent wrote, “In spite of all the suffering and risks, I am happy and proud of my sexual orientation – I wouldn’t want to be anyone else.”

The most interesting finding was around LGBTQ+ friendship. In order to help assess respondents’ social support systems, we asked about their social lives – who they could trust and turn to for support. For me, the finding that 78% of respondents had friends that are LGBTQ+ helps explain people’s self-acceptance.

This talk of friendship highlights what was important to me personally about the process of creating this survey. This project was born out of my own friendship with Charbel Maydaa, a queer Lebanese activist who runs MOSAIC. When I started at Grindr, he was one of the first people I called to discuss how we could best leverage the app’s unique reach within the community to further his work in the region.

Charbel and I gathered a group of LGBTQ+ activists representing advocacy organizations in seven countries – Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, Lebanon, and Palestine – and spent three days in Istanbul discussing what we hoped to achieve with this survey. We focused on developing questions that would most support the activism in the region by delivering data that could be used for future grant applications, public persuasion campaigns, and advocacy work to change policies.

That meeting also created some of my most important friendships since then. One activist I met that week is now my associate director of Grindr for Equality. Another has become a sister to me in my chosen family, and I had the great honor of officiating her wedding last December. And for many of the other activists present, we have become close friends and collaborators, working together to amplify the incredible work they’ve been doing for years in the region.

It’s so often these friendships that help LGBTQ+ people get through the hard times when they face discrimination, and the same applies to activists. The only way we can achieve our mission to create a world where LGBTQ+ people can truly be free is for us to support one another, share our resources, and take risks that will amplify each other’s work. I’m proud to have centered our friendships in this project, and I believe the results will prove to be more useful because of it.

– Jack Harrison-Quintana, Executive Director of Grindr for Equality, VP of Social Impact at Grindr

To view the full report, “The Regional Livelihood of GBTQ Using Grindr,” please visit www.mosaicmena.org/publications, or via direct link docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/dba79f_a20db964582842c0bcd4c3cdc8d31bfb.pdf.
