‘Transgender Symbol ️‍⚧️ Neck Tattoo’

‘Transgender Symbol ️‍⚧️ Neck Tattoo’

A2N0Y6A posted a photo:

'Transgender Symbol ️‍⚧️ Neck Tattoo'

Seattle, Shot At Home (August, 2018)

This image is another one of the offline / non-portfolio images of mine not found on my website. I decided to share two of these such images here on Flickr tonight.

Taken a couple days after getting a new neck tattoo, a large, bold black ink Transgender symbol above the USA tattoo underneath and opposite the Suicidal Tendencies punk album cover artwork tattoo on the other side. This was taken about a month before i shaved my growing hair back into a Mohawk, unable to deal with a full head of curly hair i had to brush and detangle every day.

For many trans people ‘passing’ as the opposite gender is important. Given i already had large, bold, black ink neck tattoos and a large adam’s apple i sort of figured that wasn’t going to be the case with me and i was right.

Sometimes people call me ‘Sir’ which i definitely prefer ‘Anya’ to but i understand why and it doesn’t bother me very much, i simply ask them to call me Anya instead if we are going to have more than a passing interaction at a store checkout. (A recent ER room visit was a good example of a situation where i actually say something).

I am proud to be what i am and for me i am fine with not passing as the opposite gender. I’m clearly different now approaching 4 years on hormones but at first glance and with my voice i can’t blame anyone for mistaking me as an every day ‘male’ which i’m not.

I would say the only thing that is a bit odd now is having men stare at my breasts in a men’s restroom since i have no desire to use a woman’s bathroom. I get to prepare myself for a potential fight every time i need to pee when out in public but, so far no one has said anything to me, they just give me a look. I think the Mohawk and neck tattoos help lol.

Some days i dress more feminine than others. Sometimes i wear light makeup, sometimes i wear none at all. Sometimes i paint my nails consistently, other times i don’t… this Covid-19 deal has made me less inclined to bother with it since i never leave my apartment for example. If i wore heavy makeup every day, trained my voice to sound more feminine and wore dresses every time i left my apartment things likely would go a bit different i suppose.

Despite all of this, i am someone who has known from an early age i didn’t feel right as a ‘guy’ and after many struggles and years to get here, i’m happy on Estrogen and proud to be what i am.

This tattoo is a symbol of that pride and a statement that i am what i am. Some people wave pride flags during a Pride Parade each year, i usually don’t attend them since i dislike crowds and have an anxiety disorder.

I wear this on my neck 365 days a year instead. 🙂

? Music / Video ? Photography @ anyaadora.zenfolio.com
