Marcel Blaze: Rocky Roads

Marcel Blaze: Rocky Roads

Hey everyone, im currently driving across the country with my sexy friend we started driving one day and here we are….. omg… the mountains are making my pussy drip. (Anyone want some drip panties?). So im freaky and new to this. I’ve been dying to show you my wet pussy and my amazing dick sucking always open for suggestions.

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Mother and child in a parade

Mother and child in a parade

*dans posted a photo:

Mother and child in a parade

Taiwan LGBT Pride Parade 2020 臺灣同志遊行
Crowds celebrate Pride in virus-free Taiwan, Tens of thousands of revellers joined a gay pride rally through the streets of Taipei on Saturday in a colourful celebration of equality made possible by the island’s successful vanquishing of the coronavirus.
Taiwan is at the vanguard of the burgeoning gay rights movement in Asia and became the first place in the region to allow same-sex marriage in May 2019 after a bruising political fight.
數萬人參加週六(10/31)於台北市政府前市民廣場舉辦的第 18 屆臺灣同志遊行,本屆主題為「成人之美」,主辦單位「臺灣彩虹公民行動協會」強調,性多樣社群(LGBTIQA+)不只是需要「被看見」,而是應該被真正地理解與尊重,每個人都是最美的存在。除了各路線領頭的遊行花車外,今年的遊行舞台表演活動更以人體概念呼應主題,表演者將代表不同的身體部位集結呈現「成人之美」。
Taipei, Taiwan
[email protected]

Taipei, Taiwan, Taiwan LGBT Pride, LGBT Pride, LGBT, LGBTIQA+, Pride, LGBT Parade, Parade, same-sex marriage, gay, 2020, face mask, coronavirus, COVID-19, 臺灣同志遊行, 同志遊行, 臺灣彩虹公民行動協會,

Mother and child in the parade