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Monthly Archives: October 2020
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From Drab to Drag
From Drab to Drag
Julie Bracken posted a photo:
In 5 easy stages
I was born under a wandrin’ star
Mud can make you prisoner, and the plains can bake you dry
Snow can burn your eyes, but only people make you cry
Home is made for comin’ from, for dreams of goin’ to
Which with any luck will never come true
I was born under a wandrin’ star
~Lee Marvin videolink
Makeup and styling by the talented Kelayla of
Julie -012
7 May 19
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Mark Rolands: A Story from My Life
Mark Rolands: A Story from My Life
This story happened last winter. The working day turned out to be difficult, twitchy. By the end of it, I just wanted to get home as soon as possible, and that’s it. Approaching the turn where I need to turn off the main road (and now 5 minutes and I’m at the entrance), I pay attention to my grandmother on the side of the road – she is passing the flow of cars, most likely wants to cross the road. Well, grandma and grandma on the side of the road, dozens of such pedestrians in a day. I drove and clicked, I can’t explain why… There is only a field with a kilometer, a path directly to the private sector, and to the right of the Federal highway. She is dressed too lightly, it is windy, the frost is 18 degrees, the robe is visible from under the jacket, there is no hat, only a hood. I stood on the side of the road, I looked in the mirror, I did, I crossed the road and went down the path into the darkness. I thought for three minutes whether it was my business, well, she goes from the store through the field home, hundreds of people walk this path every day. It doesn’t look like a drunk, it doesn’t look like a lost one either, it goes smoothly and confidently. In General, I decided to quickly reach the field, calm my conscience. I cross the road, go down, here is a path, right in the field, you can see so-so, even though the snow. No Granny. I walked a hundred meters, no. I got the feeling that I was doing some bullshit. Return back. Well, she couldn’t have gone that far. In the side of the path 50 meters I notice a silhouette. A Bush? A pile of garbage? No, she’s right, she sat down in the snow and sits there, and she’s already covering her tracks with the snowdrift. I reach her, touch her shoulder – Where are you going? She says – home, and points in the direction of the lights of the highway and calls the locality to which 50 kilometers at least. I take her by the elbow and drag her back to the car. In parallel, I call 02, explain the situation. We reached the store, standing in the vestibule under the cameras, you never know what. About 20 minutes later, the squad arrived, and I was asked to go with them. In the Department, it turned out that the grandmother has some kind of disorder, lives with her son’s family. They went to the store, she opened the window (first floor) and went home where she used to live. They took an explanation from me, and returned me to the car. I got home at the end of 11 hours. Perhaps a cat with a lamp, but as it is.
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