Beauty & The Beast (The Corona Version)

Beauty & The Beast (The Corona Version)

Julie Bracken posted a photo:

Beauty & The Beast (The Corona Version)

With thanks to the technical wizardry of FaceApp
And, if you want a chuckle in these difficult times,
Just click on the videolink below

Little town, everyone’s in lockdown
All alone, they remain at home.
Little town full of little people waking up to say…
Stay home

I’ve yet to see a reckless fool quite like her,
Without a mask or gloves she goes.
In the Grand Princess she’s been,
And she thinks no one had seen.
She’s gonna get us all infected,
That is Belle!

And there she goes with runny nose and fever,
She never covered when she sneezed.
She forgets to wash her hands,
Though she claims to comprehend the dangers of Corona,
That is Belle.

No, the world isn’t ending.
This is just another flu,
True, now the death rate’s higher.
But we can’t control when we will die,
So let it be.

Right from the moment when I met her, saw her,
I said she’s gorgeous and I fell.
Here in town there is only she, who’s beautiful as me,
So I’m making plans to woo and marry Belle

~Videolink to the parody version of the Disney film
28 Sep 20

Beauty & The Beast (The Corona Version)