Robin Richards performs at Trail Mix variety show, hosted by Robin Fierce and Anita Manager. At Troupe429 LGBTQ Bar & Performance Space in Norwalk, Conn., on Thu., June 6, 2019.
Trump Says Americans are ‘Warriors’ Who Might ‘Be Affected Badly’ So He Can Reopen the Economy Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic: WATCH
Donald Trump on Tuesday told reporters that he’s reopening the economy despite the sacrifices that some Americans might have to pay.
Said Trump: “I’m viewing our great citizens of this country to a certain extent and to a large extent as warriors. They’re warriors. We can’t keep our country closed. We have to open our country … We have a great country. We can’t keep it closed. … I created, with a lot of other very talented people and the people of our country, the greatest economy in the history of the world. … And then one day they said, we have to close our country. Now it’s time to open it up. … The people of our country are warriors. I’m not saying anything is perfect, and yes, will some people be affected badly? Yes.”
Trump on why businesses should reopen: “I’m viewing our great citizens of this country to a certain extent and to a large extent as warriors. They’re warriors. We can’t keep our country closed. We have to open our country … Will some people be badly affected? Yes.”
Trump just effectively suggested that people must die for the sake of reopening the economy.
“It’s time to open it up,” he said a bit ago in Arizona. “Will some people people be affected? Yes. Will some people be affected badly? Yes. But we have to get our country opened.”