Adult Film Sites Report Surge in Visitors, Thanks to the Pandemic

Adult Film Sites Report Surge in Visitors, Thanks to the Pandemic

Self-isolation can be boring and lonely. /  Unsplash

Across the globe, the coronavirus pandemic is affecting almost all aspects of daily life. Travel is down; jobless claims are up; and small businesses are struggling.

But not all businesses are experiencing a downturn. The world’s largest pornography website, Pornhub, has reported large increases in traffic – for instance, seeing an 18% jump over normal numbers after making its premium content free for 30 days for people who agree to stay home and wash their hands frequently. In many regions, these spikes in use have occurred immediately after social distancing measures have been implemented.

Why are people viewing more pornography? I’m a professor of clinical psychology who researches pornography use. Based on a decade of work in this area, I have some ideas about this surge in online pornography’s popularity and how it might affect users in the long run.

What’s the point of pornography?

People use pornography for a variety of reasons, but the most common reason is quite obvious: pleasure.

In 2019, my colleagues and I published a review of over 130 scientific studies of pornography use and motivation. We found that the most common reason people report for why they view pornography is sexual arousal. Research is abundantly clear that the majority of time that pornography is used, it is used as a part of masturbation.

Knowing that people use pornography to masturbate doesn’t explain a great deal about why they might be using more pornography now.

My colleagues and I found that there are several additional reasons people might use pornography. For example, greater levels of psychological distress often predict higher levels of pornography use. People feeling lonely or depressed often report greater desire to seek out pornography; many people report using pornography to cope with feelings of stress, anxiety or negative emotions.

In short, people often turn to pornography when they are feeling bad, because pornography (and masturbation) likely offer a temporary relief from those feelings.

Boredom can be a big driver to online pornography.
niklas_hamann/Unsplash, CC BY

Psychology researchers also know that people use porn more when they are bored. I suspect this relationship between pornography use and boredom is quite likely one of those exponential functions that’s been in the news so much in recent weeks. It’s not just that more boredom predicts greater pornography use – extreme boredom predicts even higher levels of use. The more bored someone is, the more likely they are to report wanting to view pornography.

Is more pornography now a problem later?

The spread of the coronavirus and social distancing measures meant to help contain it have led to increases in social isolation, loneliness and stress – so increases in pornography use make sense.

But are there likely to be negative effects down the road?

Already, numerous anti-pornography activists have expressed grave concerns about these increases in use, with many groups providing resources for fighting those rises.

As a scientist, however, I’m skeptical of blanket claims that increased use right now will translate to widespread negative outcomes such as addiction or sexual dysfunction. Like most aspects of the ongoing coronavirus crisis, there are probably not enough data yet for researchers to make definitive predictions, but past studies do provide some ideas.

Generally speaking, most consumers do not report any problems in their lives as a result of pornography use. Among people who use pornography frequently – even every day – a large percentage report no problems from that use.

Some research, though, does find links between pornography use and potentially concerning outcomes. For example, for men, pornography use is often linked with lower levels of sexual satisfaction, but the current evidence doesn’t untangle whether men use pornography more when they are dealing with sexual dissatisfaction or if men using pornography more leads to more sexual dissatisfaction.

For women, the results are even more unclear. Some studies have actually found that pornography use is associated with more sexual satisfaction, whereas others have found that it is not associated with sexual satisfaction at all.

Studies related to pornography use and mental health have found that hours spent using pornography do not necessarily cause depression, anxiety, stress or anger over time. The same holds for sexual dysfunctions. Although there are cases of people who state that pornography led them to experience erectile dysfunction, large-scale studies have repeatedly found that mere pornography use does not predict erectile dysfunction over time.

Cooped up alone, people are looking for distraction.
Siavash Ghanbari/Unsplash, CC BY

A distraction at a boring, anxious time

There is certainly evidence that some people who use pornography also report having mental health concerns or sexual problems in their lives; so far, though, the evidence linking pornography to those things does not appear to be causal.

In short, porn does not seem to be causing widespread problems, and it is probably offering people a distraction from the boredom and stress of current events.

Despite the fact that, prior to COVID-19, 17 states introduced or passed legislation calling pornography use a public health crisis, public health professionals have argued that it really is not one, and I tend to agree. COVID-19, on the other hand, certainly is a public health crisis.

Although humanity has survived countless pandemics over the ages, the current one is the first to occur in the digital age. As disruptive as the coronavirus has been, for many people, opportunities for entertainment and distraction remain greater than they have been at any other point in history.

When social distancing measures are lifted and people are once again permitted to safely spend time with friends, strangers and potential sexual partners, I would expect that pornography use will return to pre-COVID-19 levels. For most users, pornography is probably just another distraction – one that might actually help “flatten the curve” by keeping people safely occupied and socially distanced. Combined with the fact that many people are isolating alone, pornography may provide a low-risk sexual outlet that does not cause people to risk their own safety or the safety of others.

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Joshua B. Grubbs, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Bowling Green State University

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

The post Adult Film Sites Report Surge in Visitors, Thanks to the Pandemic appeared first on Towleroad Gay News.

Adult Film Sites Report Surge in Visitors, Thanks to the Pandemic

#AM_Equality: April 8, 2020

#AM_Equality: April 8, 2020


.@ryanjamaal, star of the hit show @PoseOnFX, sent a clear message while accepting the @HRC Visibility Award earlier this year: All people, regardless of their background, deserve a world that recognizes them. #PoseFX

— Human Rights Campaign (@HRC) April 5, 2020

HRC PRESIDENT ALPHONSO DAVID ON THE WISCONSIN SPRING ELECTIONS: “Voting is one of the most sacred duties and rights we have as citizens. Yet, voters in Wisconsin were forced to choose between their health and safety and their constitutional right to vote because of a partisan ploy by Wisconsin and national Republicans,” said David (@AlphonsoDavid). Results will prove that marginalized communities, such as black and transgender voters, bore the brunt of the limited access to the ballot. Our leaders should aim to expand access to the ballot, not limit it. In the coming months, states should adopt and implement plans for vote-by-mail and other measures to ensure safe access to voting for all.  Nothing less than our democracy is at stake.” Read more from HRC.

THE FINAL EPISODE OF “MODERN FAMILY” AIRS TONIGHT: Since first airing in 2009, “Modern Family” has introduced us to characters who truly depict the rich diversity around us. Cam and Mitchell’s relationship highlights the progress of same-sex couples across the country — from full marriage equality to adoption rights — and shows the viewing audience that LGBTQ people are just like them. The show’s cast has advocated for the queer community off-screen as well, with Jesse Tyler Ferguson (@jessetyler), who plays Mitchell Pritchett, and husband Justin Mikita (@JustinMikita) advocating for the Equality Act. Read more from HRC.

Cam & Mitchell in @ModernFam show us that love is love no matter who you call your family.

We’re proud to call so many members of the cast & crew, including @jessetyler, part of our @HRC family. Bid the Pritchett family farewell on April 8. #ModernFamily

— Human Rights Campaign (@HRC) April 7, 2020

WELCOMING SCHOOLS WEDNESDAY — SHINE YOUR LIGHT ON EVERYBODY WITH LUPITA NYONG’O: Each week while most students are out of school due to COVID-19, HRC Foundation’s Welcoming Schools will offer a book and a related activity adapted from our teacher lesson plans for parents to use with children at home. This week’s book is Sulwe, by Lupita Nyong’o (@Lupita_Nyongo). Read more and see the lesson plan from HRC.

FINDING RESILIENCE AND COMMUNITY THROUGH A VIRTUAL SEDER: A Seder is a dinner held during Passover, the holiday that commemorates the Exodus from Egypt, which begins at sundown today. “We’re trying to tailor it to the reality that people are living in,” said Matthew Adler (@MatahAdler), a program manager at the Edlavitch DC Jewish Community Center (EDCJCC), which is holding its first-ever virtual Seder tomorrow evening. “The message of Jewish history is that even after we go through hard times, we manage to rebuild… And I think that’s the same for LGBTQ communities — we’re resilient.” Read more from HRC.

JOIN HRC FOUNDATION’S WELCOMING SCHOOLS FOR A WEBINAR ON REMOTE TEACHING: The webinar will be held on Thursday, April 9, at 3:30pm EDT. Learn more here.

Are you making a quick pivot to remote teaching? @HRC’s Welcoming Schools is here to help!

Join @HRC for a free educator webinar in response to #COVID19 this Thursday at 3:30 p.m. EDT. Register now at

— Human Rights Campaign (@HRC) April 7, 2020

GET CULTURED – Entertainment, arts and sports news!



INTER-AMERICAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS RULES PERU IS RESPONSIBLE FOR TORTURE OF TRANSGENDER WOMAN: This is the first time the Court has ruled on a complaint of torture from an LGBTQ person. Read more from Openly (warning — upsetting descriptions at link).

READING RAINBOW – Bookmark now to read on your lunch break!

NewNowNext speaks with out lesbian and WWE star Daria Berenato; The Advocate launches new virtual series, “Inside With The Advocate,” featuring LGBTQ celebs

Have news? Send us your news and tips at [email protected]. Click here to subscribe to #AM_Equality and follow @HRC for all the latest news. Thanks for reading!

Ellen DeGeneres Slammed for Comparing Quarantining in Palatial Mansion to Being in Jail: WATCH

Ellen DeGeneres Slammed for Comparing Quarantining in Palatial Mansion to Being in Jail: WATCH

Ellen DeGeneres faced backlash on Tuesday for a joke she made during her first show from her living room.

Said DeGeneres about being in quarantine: “This is like being in jail, is what it is…mostly because I’ve been wearing the same clothes for ten days and everyone in here is gay.”

Appearing to realize that the joke wasn’t too cool, Ellen clapped her hands together and pretended to laugh: “Ahh, the jokes that I have.”

One fan responded: “Petition to stick her in an actual jail after quarantine is lifted. Just for a month or so, so maybe she can learn something.”

Petition to stick her in an actual jail after quarantine is lifted. Just for a month or so, so maybe she can learn something.

— Sekhmet (@sekhmetreborn) April 7, 2020

Another responded: “Put her in Jail DURING the quarantine where prisoners are literally getting coronavirus b/c they can’t afford bail.”

Another quipped, “Man it sure is funny how incarcerated people are not given access to proper hygiene and are at an astronomically higher chance of being sexually assaulted.”

Another said: “Poor Ellen, languishing in her $15 MILLION MANSION. Yes, it’s just like prison.”

Ellen DeGeneres’ home is like jail she says. All during a pandemic which will cause the next Great Depression & death #WealthTaxNOW

— What the F💣 happened now?🌹 (@WhattheFhappen2) April 7, 2020

What a great look for Ellen as thousands of people sit in actual jail cells just hoping for the best without soap and basic protections

— Caroline Darya Framke (@carolineframke) April 7, 2020

The remarks come after a few months in which the talk show host has been facing a slew of bad publicity. Last fall, she defended her friendship with President George W. Bush after chumming it up with him at a ball game, and in recent weeks she has battled a campaign sparked by a viral tweet calling her “one of the meanest people alive.”

Right now we all need a little kindness. You know, like Ellen Degeneres always talks about! 😊❤

She’s also notoriously one of the meanest people alive

Respond to this with the most insane stories you’ve heard about Ellen being mean & I’ll match every one w/ $2 to @LAFoodBank

— Kevin T. Porter (@KevinTPorter) March 20, 2020

The post Ellen DeGeneres Slammed for Comparing Quarantining in Palatial Mansion to Being in Jail: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad Gay News.

Ellen DeGeneres Compared Quarantining in Palatial Mansion to Being in Jail and it Didn’t Go Well: WATCH