Chasten Buttigieg responds to Rush Limbaugh’s homophobic comments
In an ABC News feature set to air Thursday night, Chasten Buttigieg responds to homophobic comments made by Rush Limbaugh about America being uncomfortable with a gay president.
Anchor Linsey Davis brings up Rush’s remarks for the network’s “Running Mates” series and Chasten, the husband of Democratic hopeful Pete Buttigieg, says he’s been dealing with people like Limbaugh all his life.
In a preview clip for the interview, which will be broadcast at 7 pm ET on the streaming news channel ABC News Live, Davis gauges Chasten’s reaction to Limbaugh saying America doesn’t want to see a “gayguy kissing his husband” at a debate.
Limbaugh compared Pete to the “manly” Donald Trump, saying voters would see “a 37-year-old gayguy kissing his husband on stage, next to ‘Mr. Man,’ Donald Trump.”
Putting aside the fact that “Mr. Man” isn’t exactly the first thing that comes to mind when looking at Donald Trump, here’s how Chasten responds:
“Well, look this isn’t new. I’ve been dealing with this my whole life. I’d I dealt with a multitude of Rush Limbaugh’s when I was walking through the hallways of my high school.”
“What I’m actually worried about are the young people in this country who are watching the historic nature of this campaign. Watching how people talk about it, watching how people react to it and treat it. And wondering if this country is actually a safe place for them to be.”
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Students Stage Massive Protest at Catholic School That Forced Out Gay Teachers: WATCH
Students at Kennedy Catholic High School in Burien, Washington, staged both a sit-in and a walkout Tuesday after two beloved teachers were forced to resign for being gay.
Today- students at Kennedy Catholic High School have left classrooms and staged a sit-in in their hallways to protest the forced resignation of two LGBT teachers.
Supporters of the teachers, Paul Danforth and Michelle Beattie, also protested outside the local Seattle Archdiocese offices.
The Seattle Times reports: People gathered at both protests said in interviews that they demand both the reinstatement of the teachers and a change in the church’s stance on same-sex relationships. Many, including Catholic-school graduate Grace Armstrong, pointed to what she called a contradiction between Jesus’s message of acceptance and love and the church’s policies. .. In the morning, protesters circled the block where Seattle’s Archdiocese office stands, pausing to chant (“Reinstate, not hate!” and “Separate, church and hate!”) and recite the Lord’s Prayer while holding hands. Shortly after 10 a.m., Kennedy Catholic students made signs and staged a sit-in that clogged some of the school’s hallways. At 1 p.m., they walked out, meeting a crowd of several hundred people waiting at the bottom of the school’s front steps. They spilled out onto the lawn and spoke into a microphone in front of a banner that read, “Who would Jesus fire? #LoveisLove.” Kids and adults peered out through the school’s open windows.
Among those who attended the protest outside the high school was Danforth’s fiancé, Sean Nyberg.
“I think the biggest fear about this whole situation is that the Archdiocese rides this out with no comment and no changes and no opportunity to listen to these students – maybe face-to-face – and then maybe it just kind of fades away and nothing happens,” Nyberg later told KOMO-TV.
“To watch those kids come out, it was like a freight train,” Nyberg said. “It was the most powerful thing I think I’ve ever seen. When all those students – hundreds of them came out. And to think ‘Wow, this is all the love for Paul and Michelle.’”
As of Thursday afternoon, a GoFundMe campaign had raised nearly $35,000 to help Danforth and Michelle Beattie cover expenses until they can find other jobs.
Wendy Williams is bleeding followers as her longest-running fan page calls it quits
Wendy Williams’ longest-running fan page on Instagram, @wendysteam, has announced it will be taking an indefinite hiatus after the embattled talk show host’s recent string of controversies.
On Tuesday, the page, which has over 30K followers, posted a photo of Williams along with the caption,“We love you Wendy, but we will be taking a break from this page.”
Last week, Williams drew criticism when she said gay men shouldn’t wear skirts and that anyone who doesn’t menstruate will “never be the women that we are.” Afterwards, she issued a teary-eyed apology promising to “do better.”
Her efforts were short-lived, however, because on Monday she made a truly vile joke about the death of celebrity therapist Dr. Amie Harwick, who was likely pushed off her balcony by a stalker ex-boyfriend. Williams has not apologized for joke, despite Harwick’s grieving brother publicly asking her to.
@wendysteam’s post has received almost 950 likes and 180 comments.
“Thank you,” one person wrote. “Amie was a good friend of mine. I have spent two days bawling. Her life wasn’t a joke or a punchline.”
“I am taking a break from Wendy period,” another said. “I have watched her from the beginning but I just cannot support her comments any longer.”
The fan page shuttering comes after the hashtags #CancelWendyWilliams and #FireWendyWilliams began trending on Twitter earlier this week and multiple online petitions calling for Williams to have her show yanked started circulating.
Neither Williams nor FoxTV have issued any comment on the controversy.
Roger Stone, Julian Assange, Bernie Sanders, Democratic Debate, RuPaul, Gay Incels, Jason Collins, Indonesia, Library Porn: HOT LINKS
PARDON IN 3, 2, 1:Roger Stone sentenced to 40 months in prison amid Trump complaints against prosecutors. Judge Amy Berman Jackson spent much of the hearing criticizing Stone’s actions and also defended the Justice Department prosecutors at the center of last week’s drama.”At his core, Mr. Stone is an insecure person who craves and recklessly pursues attention,” she said before issuing her sentence, which also includes 2 years of probation.
Roger Stone is met with yells of “lock him up!” as he exits the courthouse following his sentencing
IMPEACH THE MOTHERF***ER AGAIN: Donald Trump wants to pardon Julian Assange, with a little treason quid pro quo. A lawyer for Julian Assange has claimed in court that President Donald Trump offered to pardon Assange if the WikiLeaks founder agreed to help cover up Russia’s involvement in hacking emails from the Democratic National Committee. Assange’s lawyers said on Wednesday that former Republican congressman Dana Rohrabacher offered Assange the deal in 2017, a year after emails that damaged Hillary Clinton in the presidential race had been published. WikiLeaks posted the stolen DNC emails after they were hacked by Russian operatives.
‘GAYCELS’: Investigating the insidious rise of the gay incel. Much has been written about incels, mainly in the context of toxic masculinity, far-right radicalisation, and mental health. But very little has been written about the tiny proportion of gaymen among them, and it’s worth asking: who are they?
They were able to get away with oral, missionary on the floor by the children’s section & she masturbated on a table (beware of sticky surfaces folks), yet weren’t caught? The City doesn’t want you to see this bc our libraries are already deplorable despite their 5 claims!
Today, let’s do it again. This time we will look at “Women For Trump,” a coalition whose advisory board is not only connected by its willingness to overlook the truly shocking behavioral patterns the current occupant of the White House has shown toward women throughout his career, but also by its anti-LGBTQ views. Here are just some of the key members:
Pam Bondi: Fought aggressively against marriage equality while serving as Attorney General of Florida, arguing in court that it would “impose significant public harm” on citizens of the Sunshine State.
Deneen Borelli: Said President Obama “threw blacks under the bus” and “seemed to side with the gay lobby over black moral values” when he came out for marriage equality.
Stacey Dash: Insisted transgender people must pee in bushes so as to not endanger her child: “OK, then go in the bushes. I don’t know what to tell you, but I’m not gonna put my child’s life at risk because you want to change a law. So that you can be comfortable with your beliefs — which means I have to change my beliefs and my rights? No.”
Madison Gesiotto: Insisted that transgender bathroom access opens a “Pandora’s Box of peril for women and young girls,” and promoted an article that claims the LGBTQ movement is working to normalize and incorporate pedophilia.
Gov. Jan Brewer: In addition to staunchly opposing both marriage equality and civil unions as governor of Arizona, she fought for years to strip domestic partners of previously granted benefits.
Carrie Prejean: Became a household name solely for her outspoken resistance to marriage equality; followed up on this notoriety with continued anti-LGBTQ advocacy, writing a book defending her opposition to LGBTQ rights, and most recently going after the “intolerant left” for not supporting a homophobic “Straight Pride Parade.”
Danielle D’Souza Gill: Wrote a book in which she linked homosexuality to pedophilia, bestilaity, incest, and adultery, portraying all as “just one of the many sexual freedoms people are pushing for today.” She went on to insist that sex must remain only between a marital union of one male and one female.
Diamond & Silk: Have crudely condemned transgender bathroom access: “If yo’ stitch don’t have a slit, then it’s not equipped to use a women’s bathroom…As long as you got them balls, you need to put your hands on the wall and use that stall.”
Jessie Jane Duff: Has aggressively advocated for the Trump administration’s ban on transgender soliders.
Becki Falwell: Suggested transgender people are making a choice contrary to God’s will: “She’s our granddaughter, and we’re raising her as a girl. We’re not letting her have a choice. God makes the choice of what the babies are going to be and God decided she would be a girl.”
Cissie Graham Lynch: Insists LGBTQ people “have been blinded by the lies of the world to believe what they’re doing is OK,” adding that “We have to take a bold stand against what Satan is using to destroy a generation.”
Kaya Jones: Opposes inclusive teaching, tweeting, “Don’t push sexuality on children. I don’t know any straight person pushing straight curriculum on children so why push Lesbian, Gay, Bi, or Transgender on a child?” I also an outspoken opponent of transgender people, recently suggesting that parents of trans kids have “Munchausen by proxy.”
Alveda King: Has linked marriage equality to “genocide.”
Meshawn Maddock: Helped craft the 2016 GOP platform and its opposition to marriage equality, and criticized the “determined and manipulative LGBT delegates” that tried to make it more inclusive.
Penny Nance: Longtime anti-LGBTQ activist who insists LGBTQ people are trying to “infiltrate” schools, calls marriage equality “counterfeit money,” and advocates for the Trump administration’s transgender ban.
Chonda Pierce: Encouraged fans to boycott Target over its restroom policy for “gender confused people,” writing that “Target has opened the door to every pedophile and pervert out there.”
Nancy Schulze:Signed a petition opposing the Equality Act because it would be the “very demise of women’s sports as we know it today by confusing ‘gender identity’ with biological sex in federal law.”
Rose Tennent: Suggested LGBTQ activists want to destroy marriage because “they break that down and they’ve broken down society.”
Julianne Thompson: Lobbied for a so-called “religious freedom” bill in Georgia that would allow businesses to discriminate against LGBTQ people, then threatened to boycott companies that stood against it.
Statistically, women have long been more supportive of LGBTQ rights than men. Not so in Trump world. Just like with the other coalitions, the Trump campaign has a population sample that is vastly out of step with the mainstream. These are not Trump-supportive women who happen to be anti-LGBTQ–these are anti-LGBTQ activists who happen to be women.
It’s enough to make one forget that perhaps the most visible Woman For Trump, daughter Ivanka, manages to tweet out a “Happy Pride!” once every few summers.
Jeremy Hooper is a longtime researcher and strategist, with a particular focus on the anti-LGBTQ religious right. His work has been featured in press outlets across the globe, and has been used by numerous political campaigns. From 2004 to 2015 he ran the popular blog Good As You, and wrote a well-received book on his own LGBTQ rights journey. He lives in NYC with his husband and daughter.