Vote now: The 2020 Queerties are officially open

Vote now: The 2020 Queerties are officially open

The Queerties are back! It’s time to celebrate the LGBTQ community’s brightest stars and innovators, and this year we’re ushering in a whole new decade of excellence.

Voting for the 2020 Queerties is officially open.

From lesbian teen comedies to psychedelic dance horror, body-positive music superstars to binary-busting activists, queer representation in media is at an all-time high.

Now you can help your favorites take home the top prize in each of their categories, casting your ballot for the best in entertainment, social media and more.

Last year’s Queerties saw a record-breaking 900,000+ votes cast and with the addition of new acting categories plus the overall caliber of nominees this year, 2020 will be another one for the books.

Voting runs now through February 21, and remember — you can vote once per day in each category. The winners will be announced live at a special reception in Los Angeles on February 25 and on Queerty the following morning. Use hashtag #Queerties to share your votes and help your favorites.

What are you waiting for? VOTE HERE.

Business Leaders Call for Nondiscrimination Protections for LGBTQ Virginians

Business Leaders Call for Nondiscrimination Protections for LGBTQ Virginians

Written by HRC, Freedom for All Americans and Equality Virginia

More than 30 major Virginia employers sent a letter to Virginia lawmakers calling for comprehensive LGBTQ nondiscrimiation protections, saying employees, their families, and customers deserve equal opportunities at work and in their daily lives. 

The letter, addressed to House Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn and Senate Majority Leader Richard Saslaw, notes that “everyone deserves the opportunity to work hard, earn a living, own or rent a home, access credit, and contribute to their community.”  It also underscores the economic case for such protections: “Because many LGBTQ and non-LGBTQ workers prefer to live and work in communities with nondiscrimination protections, such a law will give Virginia’s employees tangible advantages in recruitment and retention.”

The letter was released by the Virginia Values Coalition, a group of statewide and national organizations and individuals pushing for passage of the Virginia Values Act. The bill, sponsored by Sen. Adam Ebbin (D-Alexandria) and Del. Mark Sickles, would modernize Virginia’s existing human rights laws and prohibit discrimination against LGBTQ Virginians. 

“Businesses throughout the Commonwealth are standing together to oppose discrimnination and support laws that protect LGBTQ Virginians,” said Vee Lamneck, Equality Virginia, Executive Director. “We’re calling on lawmakers to ensure all hard-working Virginians and their families are protected from discrimination.”

“Business leaders know that a welcoming Virginia is crucial to their economic competitiveness – and central to their core values of inclusion and respect for everyone, said Freedom for All Americans CEO and National Campaign Director Kasey Suffredini. “Nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ Virginians and visitors will make it easier for businesses to recruit talented workers, to expand investments in the state, and to attract tourism business. These business leaders support nondiscrimination because they know that everyone wins when their customers, their employees, and their employees’ families feel welcome, included, and treated with dignity.”

“Virginians and businesses agree – it is past time for LGBTQ people in the commonwealth to have comprehensive non-discrimination protections,” said HRC President Alphonso David. “These protections are good for business, good for tourism, good for the economy, and most importantly, vital for the 250,000+ LGBTQ adults living in Virginia. It’s heartening to see so many Virginia businesses publicly support these protections and push for equality for all.”